Clean Up, Organize, Relax

in #organizing6 years ago

Getting the motivation to clean up a big mess is really hard. It seems overwhelming at first, but not as bad once you just get started.

Today, I cleaned up a fairly good sized mess in my office room, and I was reminded of how great it feels to have things uncluttered. I feel so much more peaceful and relaxed sitting at my desk now not having to look at the big mess looming in front of me.

As an eBay seller, I love doing this job, and have so much fun. The only downside for me is all of the stuff that is required. There is all of the inventory items, the boxes, envelopes, packing materials, labels, tape, and it goes on and on. It takes a real effort to keep it all organized, but is totally worth it.

If you have a mess somewhere, I encourage you to just get going. Or perhaps tackle one task each day until it is finished.

When my oldest child was little, we used to watch the show Barney a lot. Like a whole lot. There was a clean up song for kids, and cleaning my mess today reminded me of that song. Here is the link if you would like some clean up motivation for your kids, or perhaps for yourself!



Oh my gosh! My oldest is 30 this year and i am able to sing that silly song. Ugh!

My oldest is 22. We had some challenging times back then, as I had 2 babies with medical needs, so the Barney VHS as well as Toy Story really saved us. Most of the songs are not my favorite, but they really stick with you. My favorite is actually the "please and thank you" song. I sing it to my teens occasionally, lol.

Oh, my gosh! I still find myself singing that one 30 years later!

Haha, I have a pile of things I am supposed to be selling on ebay but never find the time... THanks for the reminder!

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