eInc: Paving the Future of Organizations through Blockchain

in #organizations6 years ago


The evolution of technology has gradually changed virtually everything and given mankind a thought that nothing is impossible.
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The project EtherInc which is also referred to as eInc in short is making DAOs a reality. The eInc organizations are borderless and decentralized and are not restricted or limited by geographies, intermediaries and, other such artificial restrictions.EtherInc is a fork of Ethereum to power the future of organizations.

The platform has a blue print of combining teams and create rooms for collaboration all over the world .This strategy has gained momentum over the past few years. Working as distributed teams opens up new possibilities and avenues.The goal of eInc is to establish a platform to run organizations on the Blockchain and to enable individuals to run businesses on the Blockchain.

They also have the capacity to operate democratically and transparently with the consensus of its shareholders, without the need of a trusted third party or costly intermediaries.
The platform provides a different set of tradeoffs that we believe will be very useful for a large class of decentralized applications, with particular emphasis on situations where rapid development time, security for small and rarely used applications, and the ability of different applications to very efficiently.
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Challenges rocking these new age organizations are:

•Alot of countries have specific compliances and regulations which in turn creates friction.This regulations which must be adhered to if you wish to avoid penalties which can scale up to as much as $50,000 in establishing Their organization.

•Lots of incorporation costs, prohibitive legal fees, high transaction charges, etc.

•Rigorous process is involves in incooperating an organization. A lot of paperwork as well as legal back and forth which are a burden on startups, which haven’t even started generating revenue to break-even, let alone making profits.

•The project puts a high demand on top-notch technical talent and requires extensive research involvement and engagement.

•There are still many uncertainties at the regulatory level due to conflicts between the decentralized nature of public Blockchains and the policies of existing centralized governments.

Uniqueness of the project!!
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The eInc platform have received several feedbacks after its lunching , which revealed a lot of loop holes and inadequacies of the existing Ethereum framework more than that of the eInc dApp.

For mass adoption,complains such as transaction speed on ethereum was very low, gas price was too high arised etc.,

##EtherInc dApps

•These is where the difference comes in
EtherInc Blockchain-based dApps which is the same as Ethereum-based dApps and any Ethereum dApp can be deployed on the EtherInc Blockchain.

•EtherInc created what is essentially the ultimate abstract foundational layer based on blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language, allowing anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can create their own arbitrary rules for ownership, transaction formats and state transition functions

•The developers created the eInc dApp which will be the core dApp for all eInc organisations .

•eInc organisation made it easy for transactions to happen all by creating a proposal. if you need to send ETI to another address, you need to create a proposal, which when passed, automatically transfers the to the beneficiary’s ETI wallet address.

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Token Details
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ETI coins are the fuel of EtherInc blockchain, just like Ethereum has ETH coins as a fuel in Ethereum blockchain

Bounty Allocation!!!!!!

Signature Bounty 25%

Youtube/Blog/Article 20%

Facebook Bounty 15%

Twitter Bounty 15%

Translation Bounty 15%

Telegram Bounty 10

For more information please access this links below


Twitter: https://twitter.com/eIncHQ

Medium: https://medium.com/einc

Telegram: http://t.me/eincHQ

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuXo10jvemdXWeROA1lc9Uw

GitHub: https://github.com/etherinc/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/eincofficial/

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3780435

Author: Dulo Wegner

Btt profile





Nice project Dulo, congrats. and nice website also, loved how the elements appear, seems like the site is "breathing", as a live being, nice touch. Wondering why during the creation process you are giving the possibility to choose between eInc and Ethereum.

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