Sometimes it Just Works Better to Write Stuff Down, Analog Style!

in #organization6 years ago

As the march of technology moves inexorably forward, I have tried a whole host of different calendar, reminder and "list" software and apps to try to keep myself organized.

To this day, none of them have really served me particularly well, and today I came to the sad conclusion that — no matter how "clever" the technology may be — I invariably seem to function best, using good old-fashioned paper and pens to keep myself organized.

The old ways...

Maybe I am Just Getting OLD...

What makes me say this is the realization — about two weeks ago — that no matter what bits and pieces I "input" into various apps, I still miss a bunch of stuff.

So — also about a two weeks ago — I went back to my old ways carrying a couple of pages of written schedules and to do lists around with me; one containing a calendar with times, the other a list/grid of items to be checked off when done.

Since I started doing that (which I haven't in many years) pretty much every box gets checked off pretty much every day.

Now, I'm open to the possibility that I am just old and that the "old-fashioned ways" are just so ingrained in my psyche that they simply feel more natural and intuitive to me.

Seagull and reflection

HOW the Technology Fails Me...

Of course, I had to step back and look at how the techny/online organization systems fail me.

Forgetting for a moment such things as "learning curves" and other stuff, I have found that I can never customize them to do what I need them to do. And then I end up needing to actually have three separate apps to track the shyte I need to track. At which point "taking notes" ends up being so time consuming that the "time savers" are actually adding time to my day, not saving it.

"Yeah, but I use such-and-such and it does EVERYthing... you're probably just not using all the right features!"

Yes... but no.

In fact, there is probably nothing wrong with any of the apps except for the assumption that people are either self-employed doing ONE thing, or they work for someone else and do their work, and then they are done.

Moon and Rocks, Joshua Tree, CA

They are simply not created to track five separate businesses/income streams, that have nothing in common, and in fact are in completely different fields, doing completely different things, recording income in multiple currencies from non-standard sources, and there's a retail store, and there's writing articles for publications with deadlines that may occur at the exact same moment something completely unrelated expires or starts... and so on and so forth.

A well-meaning soul then recommended a professional time management tool designed for office management... and, indeed, it seemed to be able to handle 95% of my stuff.

But NOT for $199/month subscription, thank you, come again!

You're Just DOING Too Much!

Well, that may be. In fact, that is probably an accurate summary of most of my adult life... although it has been mostly driven by necessity, not a compulsion to be a workaholic.

Afternoon sun on the lawn...

Well, scratch that "necessity" part... and let's instead call it what it is: A choice have have made because I "don't play well with others" and therefore have gone to great lengths to find ways to not have to work at regular jobs, for other people.

And even though things sadly seem to be changing, I am still marginally holding onto the idea that we might be able to stay self-employed here.

In the meantime, I'll keep using my "analog" time management system of paper and pencil!

Which, by the way, is for all intents and purposes FREE and doesn't ever run out of battery power...

So there's that.

Hope you are all having a great day!

How about YOU? Do you use any kind of lists or "time management" system? Are you online/electronic with that, or do you use pen and paper? Or are you not doing anything that involves keeping track of things? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181212 16:55 PST


I’m all analogue too: Two colored pens, a pencil, a planner, and countless sheets of loose paper.

I think there's something visual about having everything on a sheet of paper... I wasted a lot of time moving back and forth between pages and windows in the electronic format.

Tactile as well. I don’t remember where things are when I put them in my phone, and I don’t like using it for more than is necessary. I don’t really use a computer much, so I’ve never tried using an organizer app on a desktop or laptop. For me, using a planner is just nice, and I remember where everything is in it.

I have my feet firmly planted in the 20th century and still use pen and paper to make my 'to do'. Works for me!

Cool! Plus, I am also told that it is psychologically beneficial to physically crumple up and throw away a to-do list at the end of the day. So there's that...

I've mixed it up at times. I love some very simple tools like spreadsheets or gridlike tasks lists. But it doesn't take the place of a calendar and written lists. Mostly I write things down as they come to me, as I seem to think more creatively when not near a computer/mobile device. Then when I'm next online I transfer my written notes into a task list. This is particularly good for new repeating items I add. Trying to think of them to write them down again every week, say, is just not going to happen and stresses my mind even trying to.

I think having some sort of combo where you make the best of each type of tool (analog or digital) is probably optimum.

You do have a lot going on though!

Interesting! I do a lot of pre-planning on spreadsheets and them print them out to fill in or check off things manually from multiple physical locations. Perhaps part of my dilemma is that I am not that "fluent" in doing large amounts of typing/input from a smartphone... I just find it annoying.

I do most of my creative work/brainstorming when I am doing completely unrelated things... like cooking, or working in the garden — and I always carry a notepad and pen with me. Then I take some rough notes, and later come back to sit at the computer to turn them into an article. In fact, I almost never just sit down in front of the screen and start typing on a blank page.

I probably have too much going on...

Hard to beat a nice fountain pen. My old Pelikan's are still my favorites--they seem to go a long time between writing without drying out.

Proud member of #steemitbloggers @steemitbloggers

Big fan of fountain pens, here! I was given a "Pelikano" school pen when I started high school, and I have never been without a fountain pen since then... I like Pelikans, too; I also use a Waterman quite often.

Yes - pen and paper - i do use a couple of spreadsheets (excel 2002 because that was back before microsoft lost the plot) - but paying for time management??? LOL - I wonder if they have a money management programme?

I'm sure they do... and it "manages" to transfer money from YOUR pocket to their bank account...!

My appts, anything that has to happen at a specific time, or something I want to be reminded of at a time in the future, all go into Outlook. But everything else is pen and paper. I've tried other methods, but they end up being more time consuming. I have a hardback spiral A4 notebook, and go through about a page a week.

I went back to my old ways carrying a couple of pages of written schedules and to do lists around with me

I have never used apps or my phone's notepad for anything. I am a write it down and keep to-do lists kinda gal... nothing will ever take away or replace my notebooks and pens.

There is magic in doing things by hand...

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