Disorganized. II, Contributed by @Olawalium



Whether we like it or not, people are watching us even when we don’t know. They take notice of the little things we are not taking notice of because these little things end up being a major thing in our lives. I know people I can’t call up immediately if I need to pass any urgent information. I know those I can chat up instead of calling, and I know those I need to send a text to, two days so by the time they come around, it would be right on time. Hahaha.

If I am not responding to WhatsApp chats earlier, people know they can just call me up and I would be right there. What are you known for? Oh... don’t let me only talk about the good stuff. I am so lazy when it comes to washing. I dislike it. The stress of washing with my hands get me bored and disconnected. After washing with my hands, you need to touch my hair to see sweat coming from the pores in my head, the hair strands taking a standing position, and my hair becomes hard. You can trust me with many things, but certainly not the washing part. Yes, I love ironing. Very weird right? I admit. Haha


I took this cab while heading to work. I only met a lady there, and I joined in. In less than 5 minutes, we moved. We have barely moved two minutes, this man’s car was jerking. The lack of fuel kind of jerking. I was just shaking my head. How can you be so clueless? How can you not know you are running out of fuel?

The time spent waiting in queue for the cab to get filled would have been used to go to a nearby filling station to buy. The most annoying part of it was, there are like four filling stations around that park. I couldn’t utter a word, I just shook my head. He doesn’t even have the decency to apologize for delaying us, neither did he give any explanation.


When you lack organization, it spreads across your life. These are the types that would get to their wedding programme late hahaha. They would miss their child’s opening day and play date, they couldn’t even manage their time well, how can they manage another human? Lack of organization is to actually put it mildly, I would say clumsy.

He thought he was being smart, but he is doing more damage to that car in the long run. Sometimes lack of foresight costs us and exposes our lack of organization.

In economics, one of the reasons why people keep the money, apart from the transactionary one which we know, is for unforeseen circumstances. You have to foresee. You have to plan ahead and be organized. Lack of organization piles a lot of pressure on us and end up costing us more.


People ask me a lot how I manage so many things at the same time. I think it is just my nature to try to keep things in place. I usually don’t know how to answer, it is just in me. Like I get pissed when I keep something in a particular place and when I need it, I get there and I can’t find it there, only to know someone picks it and failed to return it back there.

I know where I keep my stuff and I love them being there. I kept them organized and wouldn’t like to stress about it when I need it. Most people use their lack of organization to affect yours. Being organized is key. Being detailed is key also. I am also still trying to be organized with my laundry, so we all need help hahaha.

...to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


The fist part just reminded me about my boss in Lagos. Call him from now till tomorrow about work, he will never pick. But just say "Hi" to him on whatsapp, he'll respond so fast like he has been waiting for your chat. He only picks calls from his wife and maybe few family members.

Constantly doing this made us respect him for this and understood his kind of approach. When you understand people and their way of composure, you have no choice than to live them the way they really are.

Funny you talked about such drivers. Drivers to me, especially those at the packs are one of the most disorganized people on earth. They'll do the wrong thing and still wont see any reason to apologise for it. Always proving whats not. Shameless people. Lol

One sure has to plan ahead of time in so many ways. It goes a long way.
Just like preparing for Church on Sunday and you haven't gotten all you need on Saturday. You are to be in church by 8am, but you're just waking up by 6am and just looking for your shirt, shoe and all.

You didnt even remember you were gonna iron your shirt.
This will even make people look down on you when they see you outside with rumpled cloth. One will only look like a poor man. Really funny.

Its just best to always put things in order, you'll sure be able to think straight and not zig-zag knowing fully well where all your stuffs are kept. Thank you for this.

Wow! This is so detailed and simplified. Thank so much for this dear and this comment made me laugh hahaha

Smiles... I guess I can relate perfectly. Your writings are simple and clear enough.

God bless your brain.

I always know it will get better and better, thanks so much.

  1. Apart from disorganised people know they are disorganised but not willing to change, they love the way organised people organized things as well. Do you know that some of them complain when the organised people fail to organise things? Hahahah
    They enjoy seen organized people organized things, but they themselves will not do it.

  2. Even if you bring cheap opportunities to the disorganised people, they will still tell you they can't handle it and end up because they don't know how to fix it into their routine, they end up suggesting those they think can handle it better. I don't know why somebody will know he's having a problem and be willing to do anything about the problem to get it solved?

  3. Disorganised people end up doing the hard work due to their lack of proper management of time. They relax before they work, so they end up doing double whenever they decide to work. They do the work for now and the one for previous hours together, no wonder people see the Ed m working without producing commensurate results...

Rest is sweet after labour, they had theirs before...smile

It is not possible to have time for everything in life, but the most important should not suffer at expense of less important.

Now I see while you pile up your cloths, ahhahaha

I don't love washing either, but I can still cope with it if it is not more than once, that is while you see me washing all the dirty cloths Saturdays morning. You can't find me doing that often other days of the week... Smile

I know how you react if I use the iron or you wrist watch without returning it to the right place or at the right time. The look on your your face used to be wired,hahahha. But I can't control it probably because I'm disorganised or weak in that area too... Hahahah

Their is no one without a weakness, the way we handle it differs... Smile

waiting fu or the third part.

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin

Wow beautiful. First of all

disorganised people know they are disorganised but not willing to change, they love the way organised people organized things as well.

To me, I feel these people actually don't know they are disorganized, maybe some anyway. But when you know and find it difficult or not ready to change, thats where the problem lies.

If one finds out one is disorganized and people are telling you, the best thing is to learn to be organized. It wont kill, it will sure make one a better person.

We all know what we can do as much as what we can't, you can work on your weaknesses by making them your strengths. The same way disorganised people know about their inability, but the disorganising nature in them won't allow them to sit and organise their lives. It's strange, right? But that is how it is. Smile

It's a big problem if I must say.... Hahahha

And that's life, whatever pertaining with Nature is difficult to change. Decentralised people can't change

They are so much disorganized to organize their lives... They know it's wrong, they can't just help it.... Thanks buddy

Hahaha another detailed one that made me smile and laugh.

Now I told them all in a place and my laundry lady come around to pick them up. Haha

Hahhahha, every good drugs have a side effect, but we stick to them for their good effect which seems to be dominant than the side effects.

No matter how we tend to be good too, we always have a weak point, but it is manageable especially if it in laundry related matters... Hahahahha

Decentralized ones are always so stupid, they won't mind you even if you tell the whats right. It's not that they don't know what's right but they won't just do it

Whether we like it or not, people are watching us even when we don’t know

You are right, people are surely watching us, our behavior, attitude towards life, how will handle things, whether we are the type that people can rely on, whether we can be trusted, whether we can be counted on, whether we can be reached always and whether we always feel concerned about other. These are the things people often notice because we can be call upon for anything.

If I am not responding to WhatsApp chats earlier, people know they can just call me up and I would be right there

You have the right attitude since your people around know how to reach you, we have to let people trust us enough that we are reliable and call be counted on anytime any day. Don't be the type that if you call me for help he will surely ignore or find one excuse or the other at all time.

. I am so lazy when it comes to washing. I dislike it. The stress of washing with my hands get me bored and disconnected.

I decide the point we had issues with yesterday from here some people lack good organization skills when it comes to doing some pretty home chore, well this has man majorly, if I'm correct.

We have barely moved two minutes, this man’s car was jerking. The lack of fuel kind of jerking. I was just shaking my head. How can you be so clueless? How can you not know you are running out of fuel?

On that account, there is absolutely two different things that could cause that men to behave like that, what you experience often occur to me most especially when I was in Osun, majority of the chauffeur are always disorganized all in the name of profit which cause them more harm than good most especially when they hire the cab for work. After they might have bought a fuel they wait till they realize whether they make more profit before dangling to buy another round which put the car in devastating state, believe they are being economizing in their consumption of fuel where as they are killing the car engine gradually.

When you lack organization, it spreads across your life.

You are absolutely right, it cut across one's health, business management, time Allocation and a lot more

On health, when people are disorganized it causes them to feel more anxiety and stress out,
Stress-induced headaches and backaches are common physical symptoms that may be more prevalent in people with poor organizational skills which will surely cause them devastated more and loss focus.

On time management; Poor organizational skills influences your ability to manage your time well. This has a tendency to result in a failure to prioritize assignments, complete projects on time and prepare your day-to-day activities. I go by this adage that says time is money, desire to spend your time wisely. Be organized, change your orientation, stop procrastinating. Take to action now before it is too late

Its so funny to know that some people are so disorganized that it even affects their health. Why wont it affect?
Cleanliness, they say is next to godliness. When one isnt organized, one tends to even be dirty. Take a look at thisIMG_20180521_052119_637.jpg

When you have things jam-packed like this, one is prone to sickness. So many angels to this matter of being disorganized. We need more lecture on this really.

You are absolutely right sister, you got my message and you even go the extent of using a perfect image to picture it out. I'm glad you like my view on health wise. A disorganized person lose sense of belonging, he lacks in our aspects of life.

Yes it's funny,they know it's affecting them and they still keep being untidy. Ain't affecting only then but their neighbours too

Love the way you analyse things line by line... Hahahah

Another amazing self explanatory comment. Thanks a lot. Always appreciate it

Of course in this life we ​​need a good organization so that everything we plan to run well. because the organization is an activity used must arrange everything well, in order to perform activities effectively and efficiently.

Therefore, I think the organization in everyday life is very important. because with the organization we can organize all activities to be done efficiently and effectively. Without the organization of our activities in everyday life will be irregular.

One example of the importance of organization in everyday life is the importance of our financial organization. Because with our finances we can manage our financial in our daily life. If we are not our financial organization then that will be only wasted the use of money to buy goods that are not important.

In a day-to-day life of financial management must be applied so that between the income earned from work can provide for our daily life with the organization of expenditure out. If financial management is not applied in everyday life there will be excessive and insufficient spending on our lives.

Another example of the importance of organization in everyday life is the time organization. The time organization must be done in order to make the most of the possible time. Not doing activities that are just a waste of time. Organization time is very important karen by managing the time of all our activities in everyday will be arranged neatly. Activities that we do in everyday can be organized and not happen two activities at a time. And finally bring chaos.

I love this so much, with the way you spread it across other aspect of our lives, more so the financial aspect. It is definitely more important for us to apply it to our daily lives, in every aspect too. Thanks a lot.

I have been disorganized for most parts of my life- I'm probably still disorganized. It has affected me negatively in several ways. Now, it's almost like I'm always late for everything. It's taking me lots of efforts at the moment to eschew such behaviour. So I would recommend everyone to live an organized life as early as they can. It's a virtue.

Yes people do watch us in whatever we are doing, and what they do watch most is our mistakes, once they see any mistake(s) They would get us disqualified

My guardian is so centralized ,so he has been chosen as the chairman of the landlords of our area,he avoided it but because He is so unique, a man of his words, respects everybody even if you are younger than him and he says fact always

It's okay to be centralise cos we shall gain it!


One of the advantages of being out of control is to do it once, discover the exciting ones. Hahaha

Hahaha do it once, feel the thrill but don't get stuck. Haha

Organizing your life is indeed important... But then, some just go late to appointments on purpose and not because they are not organized

Why would you just choose to go to appointments late? For someone who is organized, such person will know the importance of valuing time my dear.

Everyone needs to be smart but do not think of yourself as smart.


Excellent comments thank you for participating

There was a contest i am not aware of? How impressive.

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