Orch Network Airdrop
Site Link:https://t.me/orchbot?start=466676011
Instruction : Chat with telegram Bot & enter ETH,email address
Orch Network is a privacy-preserving decentralized zero knowledge secure multi computation platform for writing, testing and deploying mathematically verifiable secure cyber contracts (smart contracts), decentralized development of software and real-time decentralized applications that behave exactly as intended.
Orch is an engine for launching numerous next-generation decentralized applications such as scalable decentralized organizations (DAOs), decentralized exchanges(DEX), automated hedge funds and dark pools and so on.
TOTAL SUPPLY : 62,000,000,001
Crowdsale Starts: 11th June, 2018.
End Date: 26th June 2018.
Floor Price of ORC token : 0.18$
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