Why you should eat Oranges

in #orange7 years ago (edited)

In my family when someone gets a cold
its usually a matter of time before everybody gets it.
My health has always been a bit weaker.
And in the past 5 years its been so terrible I tought
I might die at one time.

I remember how it went,
my sister would get a cold then either I or my mom would get it.
These days its my sisters children that get the cold first and
then spread it around.

But my dad hardly ever got a cold.
Expecially when he was a bit younger
I don't remember him getting sick more than once
in maybe 2 or 3 years at times. I have always been very
jealous at this. He does not has the most healthy lifestyle as far as I know.
But I do know that he always takes one or two oranges with him that he eats at work.
And I think this is one of the reasons he gets sick so rarely.

Ofcourse Oranges are known the boost the imuumn system.
They contain lots of vitamine C and anti antioxidants.
The only downside to it is that it contains a high amount of sugar.

Other good reasons to eat them that I have read about are,
That they are promote a healthy skin,
they help repair your body and fight cancer,
and they are apparently good for your eyes.

Because I have been having alot of colds since late 2016,
I have been increasing my Vitamine C intake and eating alot of oranges.
Maybe something good to try.

Thanks for your time.
Wish you lots of health and positivity.

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