7 Foods That Are Good for Your Oral Health

in #oral2 years ago

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While maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to support the health and cleanliness of your teeth, it is not the only important thing. You can prevent cavities and lower your risk of gum disease by eating the appropriate meals and avoiding harmful ones. Learn which foods to purchase to strengthen teeth and gums. Additionally, some foods contain unique chemical components that help prevent the growth of dangerous oral bacteria. Some foods can increase saliva production, which can help wash out bacteria and sugar. Your teeth and gums, like every other part of your body, need the right kind of nutrients to work at their best. This requires consuming sufficient amounts of the proper minerals, which serve as the structural foundation for your teeth and their protective enamel.

Continue reading to discover the seven foods that are good for your oral health:

1. Cranberries

Cranberries, which are known for reducing bladder infections, have natural substances that make it difficult for bacteria to stick to surfaces. The University of Rochester Medical Center's study found that this characteristic also makes those berries a powerful weapon against cavities. According to research, cranberry juice has been proven to prevent glucan development, which works as a building element for plaque. Despite this, because cranberries are generally rich in sugar and acid, you should still clean your teeth right away after eating them.

2. Raisins

Generally speaking, sticky types of food that are simple to get between your teeth should be avoided. Nevertheless, some sticky foods, according to researchers, may help to prevent cavities. A study from the Chicago College of Dentistry found that raisins have effective phytochemicals that seem to be effective against the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. As long as you brush your teeth right away after eating, cranberries and dried plums also seem to have a comparable effect.

3. Almonds and apples

Almonds, which are low in sugar and high in calcium, have also been proven to boost salivation while lowering blood sugar levels. However, make sure not to bite down forcefully, you might chip or break your teeth. Also, apples are crunchy and tend to boost saliva production, which helps to prevent cavities by cleaning the mouth. When you're looking for a nutritious snack on the go, celery and carrots are also wonderful options.

4. Oats

Whole grains had already been linked to the improvement of general health, and more recently, better periodontal health. Oats, barley, bran, and brown rice are examples of whole-grain meals that may indirectly benefit oral health by enhancing your capacity to metabolize blood sugar, according to a McMaster University study.

5. Leafy greens

It's hard to beat leafy green vegetables when it comes to foods that promote healthy teeth and gums. Leafy greens, like whole grains, can reduce blood sugar. They also contain phytochemicals, which can help to eliminate bacteria. Numerous leafy vegetables also encourage more chewing, which increases salivation. Leafy greens almost do not contain sugar and are high in useful nutrients.

6. Yogurt

Calcium-rich yogurt can help promote the formation of stronger tooth enamel. Recent research shows that it may also lessen bad breath by lowering odor-causing substances like hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. According to researchers, yogurt's healthy bacteria, such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and others, are mostly responsible for this. Consider yogurt that doesn't have a lot of added sugar, just to be safe.

7. Water

One of the few beverages that are genuinely healthy for your teeth is water. Fluoridated water is a fantastic drink to boost your dental health because it strengthens teeth. It's also a smart option to avoid drinking sugary drinks like cola and sports drinks, which dramatically raise your chance of developing cavities.


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