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RE: Optipessimist View: What Is The Greatest Threat To The United States?

in #optipessimist7 years ago (edited)

North Korea is more a threat to South Korea. The US is a major threat to N. Korea. The US needs to back down and stay way from the waters of North Korea. How can we say a country can't have nukes when the US has enough to destroy ever city on earth. It's time for better understanding and diplomacy with countries like North Korea, think of the people, good innocent people.


First, I do address the issue of the United States meddling with North Korea and nukes with this quote.

I often wonder if a response will be a case of "You can only poke the bear so long before it finally gets angry and mauls you."

Secondly, the major issue the world needs to focus on in regard to North Korea is the humanitarian crisis that is rampant there. The country runs extermination camps, has no religious freedom, or free press. It enslaves, tortures, imprisons and murders its own people as a way to silence dissent.

You know something is wrong in a country when it focuses more on Nuclear development rather than infrastructure. Look at North Korea on a map at night.

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