Honesty Has Become Taboo

in #opinion6 years ago


We are living in the golden age of political correctness. Anything that you say, do or so much gaze upon is wrong. Using gender-specific pronouns are now banned, using them will result in being attacked either online or socially by others who consider you to be insensitive.

Honesty has become taboo

If you are reading this, you are probably fortunate enough to live in a democracy. Even if you're living somewhere with restricted freedoms, you are probably still fortunate to have some form of freedom (choosing where to eat, who to see, deciding if you need the new iPhone).

The irony of living in a modern democracy is a great one, because as free as people are, being honest in your perspectives, words and thoughts is not permitted. Here are a few examples of socially-unacceptable forms of honesty:

  • Saying you voted for Donald Trump
  • Saying you support Donald Trump or agree with some or all of his policies
  • Supporting tougher immigration laws and closing of borders
  • Refusing to acknowledge there is more than two genders
  • Being against gay marriage

I think Donald Trump is a prime example of honesty that can get you fired from your job, lose you friends and get you abused online. If you voted for him (which is the point of a democracy), in the opinion of many who did not and do not like his policies or views, you are a right-wing extremist who hates coloured people and immigrants.

We are living in an era where openly declaring support for Donald Trump could get you beaten up or worse, shot. And if you think being threatened for openly being supportive of a political candidate is just a bunch of sensationalist nonsense, look at the Kanye West situation.

Kanye in a series of Tweets a couple of months ago declared his support for Donald Trump, called him his brother and even posted an image of him wearing a red Make America Great Again cap. This resulted in a very real death threat from Daz Dillinger.

In a since deleted highly threatening Instagram post Daz wrote:

Yo national alert, all the Crips out there, y'all fuck Kanye up. Better not ever see you in concert. Better not ever see you around the [Long Beach]. Better not ever see you around California. Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? 'Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. You don't speak on Crip gods, nigga. We the Crips gods, nigga. You know what I'm saying? ... All the Crips out there, you see that nigga, bang on his ass. Fuck his ass up.

There is a difference between free speech and making a threat against someone because you hate the political candidate that they support. This is where society is at, openly being honest and truthful in your political views or even sexual orientation is enough to put you in danger.

Since the dawn of time there has always been an us versus them mentality in almost every facet of history. Every war is about us versus them, most notable World War II and Germany's horrible treatment of Jewish people.

While 2018 is thankfully free of the kind of wars like yesteryear, there is a war on truth and transparency, you're not longer allowed to be yourself if it doesn't fit this new gender-neutral pro-democratic narrative.

In the quest for inclusiveness, we've created a culture of exclusivity where only those with left-wing politically leanings are considered to be right and those right-wing supporters are crazy racists.

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