Why Polyamory Will Be Normalized By The Establishment.

in #opinion7 years ago


With the establishment pushing for cultural degeneracy, especially the types that are totally not compatible with western values, my biggest fear is the normalization of non-monogamy. Why? Give me some of your time and I can explain how I believe this will be one of the major things pushed in the next few years. I will say though right now, I'm mostly theorizing here, but I feel that I've seen this movie before. And not only I, but we should be ready for what is coming.

First, look at the cultural enrichment of tolerating Sharia-esque behaviour in Western countries? Specifically talking, Sweden, Germany, Britain, and sadly my own country, Canada, seems to be on the same path as well. We've seen Sharia apologists for child marriages, hijabs, and yes, even migrant rape. Guess what Islam says about polygamy? Thankfully though, as of right now, if you were to immigrate to a country like mine and were in a polygamous marriage where you currently lived, you would be denied your wives to be brought over, or even possibly denied citizenship. This is great, but with the current trend of normalizing barbaric aspects of certain cultures, I feel that this will not last long anymore. But where would this start? Multicultural understanding? No, it will start at home, then they will work their way to the endgame. These people in the establishment are not stupid people.

Allow me to ask some questions. Notice the trend of the establishment having a hatred for other family aspects in regards to the Western world? Why are there articles using the oversimplified "love is love" argument when discussing this? Why are there articles like this one that suggest you to basically suppress your emotions if you feel some type of jealousy while in your non-monogamous relationship? Why is a publication like CNN publishing an article questioning monogamy? Why are there articles straight up normalizing non-monogamous marriage? Why are there articles normalizing polyandry? Why are there articles from only a few years ago saying polygamy should be legalized? An even bigger question, why was that posted right after the SCOTUS declared same-sex marriage to be legal in all fifty states? They are simply planting the seed to make the plant grow, testing the waters, taking baby steps, etc. One thing will always lead to another.

But I know, you may be asking me a question of your own. "Bryton, if it's just consenting adults, why should your or I care?" Yeah, except, consent isn't everything. You can give consent to somebody pouring gasoline on you and then proceed to light you on fire, but it doesn't make it right. "But Bryton, that's psychical harm! You're comparing apples to oranges!" You're correct on the first part, but not when it comes to the latter. Why aren't you taking psychological harm into effect? Actually, have noticed one thing most these articles have in common? If your answer was that they cherrypick scientific studies, then you are correct. This is extremely dangerous because they are only showing one side of the coin, they won't show other studies because it doesn't fit with the narrative of the establishment. If they won't discuss the negative side effects when it comes to similar types of behaviour in regards to non-monogamy or promiscuity, I will. Because from these studies, it seems that it's actually very psychologically damaging. Things seem to range from causing substance abuse to a depressive state. I believe this, why? I had an ex who was Transgender, who self harmed, and had already twenty to thirty partners in her life, and she's only nineteen years of age. She is covering up a lot of pain, and all it cost her was choosing the wrong path. A shame.

I have one of my parents who is into BDSM, polyamory, the whole "alternative lifestyle" thing. When found out about it when I was younger, I was terrified. I consider it messed up, I was angry at them and considered them scum. But I don't anymore. I feel bad for them now. But hence that I said I consider it messed up, not considered. I still do think it is messed up. From those who I have met who are into it, I feel a sense of pain inside of them and use there fetishistic fantasies as a temporary bandaid if you will. Bringing it back to my ex, she considered her self-harming to be a turn on to some degree, she wanted me to fetishistically choke her. While this is all consensual, yes. But there lies a terrible truth in this. They do this because they want to feel some sense of purpose, to even just feel anything at all. They are hurting, hiding some type of pain behind them to think that they are happy. But you may be asking, what does this have to do with polyamory? Actually, a lot.

You see, in the LGBT community (I do not mean those who are simply homosexuals, I specifically mean the collective LGBT community.) Non-monogamy/polyamory is very common. And with more youth joining the community each day, they prescribe to this lifestyle. Why though? Because if it's against the norm, it feels rebellious, the go against the establishment. Feel that they are special. Soaked in there identity, to feel that they think they are truly special. A hatred of the hierarchy, everybody is the same. Everybody will be unique to the point where nobody else will be. They are at an age where they are searching for an answer and won't critically think if it's morally the right thing to follow. They are not rebelling, they are becoming the ultimate pawn of the establishment, they have bought the Snake Oil and drank it causing them to enter a state of pseudo happiness. They will be sold a fallacy of the answer when they have forgotten that you have to find the answer yourself, the answer will not be given to you.

One last thing, well known celebrity Ricky Martin has come out and has expressed how polyamory should become the societal norm. While he is talking specifically homosexual relationships, this is still very important. You see, mainstream media is not really the free press. It is a tool of the establishment to push their narrative, if you are not controlled you will be hunted down like a Predator and its Prey. If anybody has seen Ben Shapiro's recent video for Prager U, it is apparent that Hollywood and celebrities are used as tools by the establishment as a way to push their message. If it's under control of the big six, they are following the narrative. So am I saying Ricky Martin is going to magically make everybody polyamorous since he has made his comments? No, what I'm saying is that if there is already one celebrity talking about this, there will be another. It simply takes one person to start something, one person to inspire, one person to follow. And one day, the sheep will follow the shepherd. But when this starts to happen, you better believe I will be there to fight it.

Once again, most of this is theorizing, but I'm suggesting to keep an open mind. Because this may be just coming.

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