Spreading a little love to the people of the UK ...

January is a hard month, we are short of cash, it cold and people are generally down, I wanted to help...

Personally it doesn't get me down that much, it's annoying but hey life is great! Only recently I have achieved this mindset though, its been a long journey through hard times but yippee I made it. But thats for my 'One Man's Spiritual Journey Post', of which I intend to update dreckly. Sorry poor form there; self-advertising accept my apologies but it kind of fitted. Also not listening to the media, which all through January appear to be telling people this is the time to be depressed! Moving swiftly on then....

The idea was formed...

So since, well last year sometime I have had a few stamps in my wallets. Not a cheap commodity you know, so I was keeping them. But not being a big letter sender  they were only filling a space in my wallet getting creased! Sitting on the bus on my way to work; a idea hatched. I have been wanting to do something on the #ophumanangels tag so why not send some letters out telling people they were wonderful!

Then implemented ...

Earlier this evening I got some paper and wrote in my best hand writing! Yes that is my best and its bad its know; I blame it on the dyslexia, normally works 😁! 

I got on my computer and pulled up maps. Then zoomed out and got the whole of the UK in and  closed my eye and randomly selected... the sea!

Round two I selected Parker Close, Brunall, Norwich. This is in East Anglia! The pigs bum... If you imagine the UK as a man riding a pig ... seriously look at the previous picture 🐽.

Envelope written, stamped and sealed.

That felt good round two...

Next was Fraser Court, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Were around about the back edge of the man's hat (the man riding the pig 🐽).

Enveloped and sealed.

One more...? Go on lets!

This one landed at Meadow View, Laddingford, Maidstone. This is south of London (the pigs leg ish 🐽). Admittedly with two of these I did look around a bit for a town as I landed in a field.

Last one enveloped and stamped.

Off to the end off the road and into the post box, and off on their way. Ready to cheer up three people in apparently bleak January!


What a briiliand idea and wonderful thing to do. People are going to get the letter and wonder who sent them with a huge smile. This could take off in a big way. There was actually a similar suggestion in a book i read a good few years ago but seeing you in action...
Hope the happiness rebounds back to you 10fold.
Best wishes :-)

Thanks! Yer I just i it cos I feel great at the moment and things are going well so wanted to sharing some of that 💯🐒

this is the sort of thing i imagine doing, but never do. i love it. hope you get some replies. steemit is great if it inspires people to do this. what would your reaction be if you got that letter though? would the first reaction be, what a lovely thought! or would it be, whats this scam about then! ?!

I only put @vibeof100monkeys as my details so they will be directed to Steemit if they search a double bonus for them! Haha you right might think its a scam but hopeful it will shown them not everything in the UK is a scam ;)💯🐒

What a cool idea! I love this! I bet whoever receives them will be delighted! 💗

I hope so, just hope the can decipher my writing ;p 💯🐒

nice.. your first land address is within cycling distance of my house. i'll assume it was meant to go to me.. haha. :)

Haha how random would that have been? Lovely area , went there on numerous geography field trips in school! Have a cracking day 💯🐒

Thats damn cool, would have never thought about that. Good on ya

Thanks, just hope it brings a smile to someone :) 💯🐒

It brought a smile to me

Nice one mission achieved :) 💯🐒

Wow monkey man. That is such a cool idea. So glad you thought of writing happy sentiments to unknowns. Kudos to you for a brilliant idea. 🐓🐓

Thanks, I heard of someone sending gifts or something to random address so adapted it to my take and of #ophumanangels 💯🐒

I see you haven’t posted anything in 6 long days. I don’t want to lose another friend on here especially after I mentioned you in my post of a country zoo. Hope all is well and you are just taking a little break. Much love my friend.🐓🐓

I'm still here normally write a weekend but been away this weekend! Hopefully get something out later. I'll catch up on posts too 💯🐒

That's such a awesome idea... way to think of the most antiquated way of sending someone a positive message.. glad to see you joining the Angel Op. 👍👍

Thank you for your kind work. I hope to do some more very soon :) 💯🐒

What a beautiful, thoughtful and creative idea, you just took the #op to the NEXT LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!! I have goosebumps....just terrific!!

I was inspired by the #op a cracking idea in itself and a past comment someone mades ages ago! These things combined in my head crated this. I was merely then facilitator! It felt good I want to do it again soon 💯🐒

Well I'm so glad you shared your actions so that more can be inspired!

It inspired me so only returning the inspiration. I thinking of the next one already :) 💯🐒

Beautiful sentiments. Peace.

And to you! 💯🐒

Wonderful idea, and a cracking day to you

Thank you! indeed I will 💯🐒

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