Help the needy~Ophumanangels~3

in #ophumanangels6 years ago

Hello friends,
This is my third post using the #Ophumanangel tag.
Am so happy with the tag Ophumanangels because they have open my eye widely on why we have to give out to the less priveledge people and how to show them love.IMG_20180222_052618.jpg
Ophumanangels tag is about been kind,good,help the needy,show them love,donating the little you can afford.
If it is food,cloth,shoe,money or advice they need help them with it.
Yes!!!!! dont be selfish help other,dont be stingy put smile on other people face.
Some people even do use there wealth to put smile on other people face.
I made a promise that on my next birthday which is very close i will go to the motherless baby home to buy them little things that i can that i can put smile on there face and i will also create time to play with them and even sing for them.
They really need someone to show them love .Not only mothetless baby home need cares even people with in your community.
Am saving money which i want to use to buy some things for the motherless baby home.
I started the contribution two days ago and i know with time i will come out with huge cash so that i can buy all my heart desire for the kids.
Be a giver,show love and love one another
Thanks for reading through my post


Well done, I am so proud to know you @mercy200. You Matter!

"Smile" Thank you

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