My Messages To The World ~ Part IV

It's Easy To Change People's Days For The Better...


And anyone can try. All you need is some paper, a pen, maybe some sidewalk chalk and good ninja skills. Today I'll share a few ideas with you in this post, for some positive sayings that could change the day of our fellow man for the better, if they stumbled upon it. The photos are of places our family has travelled, and the mark we left behind.

In the above photo I'm holding some messages I wrote, and I will hand them out to people or stash them around the city wherever my Spirit is drawn to place them. We're all looking for a little meaning in this gray world...for our days to be different than the last. You have the power to make this world a beautiful place.


Lodge Lake, Ontario, Canada


Terry Fox Lookout, Ontario, Canada



Montreal River Harbour, Ontario, Canada



Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada



Huntsville, Ontario, Canada


Bancroft, Ontario, Canada


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada



Edmonton, Alberta, Canada



Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Watch Us In Action! But Get Out The Tissues...

These videos are made from our actions while we lived in Edmonton, Canada. Would you believe that our little group of friends and family inspired folks around the globe to do the same? We called it: "Operation Human Angels". Perhaps one day you'll find yourself sticking a note somewhere, for someone...if you do, snap a photo and send it to me!



The smallest gesture of love and kindness can be an huge factor in someone else's day. Treat others how you wish to be treated and if someone is unkind most likely they are sad. So still be kind. Kill them with your kindness

You got it! Reminds me of this quote Marion:

Yes...that is the best quote. Everyone must be taught not to judge so quickly. Life is full of knee jerk reactions and judgments and assumptions. We never really know, we can't know why someone is doing or acting a certain way and there is always a reason. If they are close you may ask for clarification and you may get it in order to understand. If they are not close then treat them as you wish to be treated and remember. Judge not lest you be judged.

"Let him that is without sin cast the first stone" Yes...

Just a simple snails can make someone’s day ! Spread happiness and kindness

I do love snails too though, here's a cool little guy that was travelling on our front porch this summer, and he most certainly brought happiness <3 <3

I agree, you meant "smiles" right?

Haha so sorry that was suppose to say smiles but this snail gave me a smile too :)

You guys really are the best. ❤️
Sending out positivity in that way really can make a difference. I wonder how many folks were having a shit day when they saw one of your notes that made them a smile or made them think in a more positive way?
Many people wander the earth alone desperately looking for a sign that someone cares, I'm sure this kind of thing can be a small part of the change needed to make the world a better more caring place for all.
Kudos to you babe 😉

Every little bit counts eh? <3 <3 Thanks for all the loving support @tremendospercy!

A truly sensational idea.

We all need to spread positive messages in whatever way we can. There is so much anger and hatred out there, all of it stemming from fear. People are scared and they lash out.

The messages you wrote tie us into the power that is within ourselves. We often forget it is there since we succumb to the fear. That is all we can see. Looking at the world through fearful eyes will make on "crazy". It is an unnatural approach. People live in a continual state of guilt over yesterday and worry about tomorrow. No wonder stress levels are so high.

Keep spreading the love-based feelings and thoughts. Compassion, love, tolerance, connection...they are all uplifting.

I really resonate with what you wrote there Task! Goosebumps!!

My favourite one is "my well being is connected to your well being"
"Give me your hand and we'll get through this life together ."
PS: I was finally able to make my first walkwithme post. Hopefully it will inspire others to use the tag. ;)
Thanks a million times for the beautiful feeling that I have in my heart @lyndsaybowes. Love to you and your family.

Ooooh I'm so happy you like the messages, and I love yours!!!! It gave me goosebumps!!!

I'm also smiling hearing about your walk!!!! I'm going to check it out now, thank you Rebecca!!!

The power of spirit! BOOM!!!!! Peace, love and compassion are so much more powerful than bullets! Persuasion is better than force. Is that not the message we were taught as kids when we read the fable: The North wind and the sun?

I LOVE that you lead by example every single day! You are a leader!

Oooh I love looking at it that way, "persuasion" !!! hahaha!! Nice one!!

I'll have to look up that fable, thank you for all the support and wisdom you bless us with every day White Walking Feather xoxo!!

It's so nice of you spreading the love. You never know how many hearts you have touched. Some might even think it's the angel that saved them. Thank you for being an angel to them :) xoxo

That's really kind of you to say...thanks @cheneats <3 I hope so...

Wow! what a wonderful idea and what a beautiful gesture!! Evidence that indeed the best things in life are free! I can only guess at the difference this initiative could bring to someone that's finding life hard or struggling, indeed to know we're not alone in this world could be the greatest gift many of us could hope to receive. Aa always a huge respect to you @lyndsaybowes lighting up the world one smile, one hug and one message at a time!! Keep up the great work!!!

Thanks @PerceptualFlaws, I'm glad this made you happpy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Thanks for all the good vibes my friend :) xo

Superb, I’ll definitely try this, though I don’t have ninja skills🤔. You just brightened my mood all the way up.

:) Great I hope you do try it. No ninja skills, that's alright! Try sticking a note in a public washroom stall :) No one will see you!

Hahaha. Definitely will.

Again you inspire! I love this. I try to smile and say hello, how are you to everyone I meet when walking or at store.

That's so wonderful, you make a lot of people's days brighter SeaReader!! Way to be the Change <3 <3

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