I Was OpHumanAngel'd!


Today I'm using #STEEMpeak to write this, with @phoenixwren as 51% beneficiary of any earnings this post makes.

I'm shamelessly plugging their service, so be sure to read all about it: HOW BENEFICIARY FEATURE CAN MAKE STEEM BETTER ... and how @SteemPeak has created a UI for you all..

Here is What it Looks Like

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Onwards, To the Reason For Happy

I got some snail mail...and it was so very well received...

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I've known @phoenixwren for a long time, we've been internet pals, and have a tonne of activist-solidarity with each other. When I mentioned STEEM to him, he took to it like a fish to water and continues to be the hardest working friend that I have brought to this place.

I see you Phoenix. I see you, well, everywhere! And I smile so much. This is only just the beginning and how you've hung in there...I couldn't be prouder!
It takes a special kind of tenacity to do what you do. All the while struggling with your own challenges...and giving us all so much.

Okay, now this is turning into a letter to Phe...

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I still have the cards out that you sent me the last time, those months ago...

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I'm so glad you're my friend Phe...

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And the sneaky card, which has been passed around our home to each other however I cannot part with it for good yet, I know you'll understand. I'm a sentimental gal.

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Your latest card was so radiant, the colours, the textures, the 3D of it! Then the insides...awww...dude...hermit to hermit solidarity, words not necessary! Just know it was everything I needed and more.

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I'm so grateful for you, I'm so grateful for the blockchain, may it bring all of our dreams and hopes to fruition. I'll say it again, it's only the beginning...

I'm so glad we're sharing this. All of us! Have a beautiful night #STEEM Fam & thank you so much again for making my day @phoenixwren!


Awww, I'm so glad you like it and that it made it to you okay. I was a bit worried the 3Dness would get messed up in the mail!
I rather love the idea of you guys passing the smile card around the family, that's awesome! 😊
#hermitsolidarity siStar! 😄

Oooh the post office was so gentle and kind, everything arrived perfect as can be <3 <3 <3 Such an awesome surprise! Aw Shucks...

It is always so good to find a good pure spirit in the world. And in this crazy virtual world we are all increasingly joining, you are such a light. It's so nice to find good kind well meaning people and they should be celebrated at every chance!

I'm so bad with using the aps and I'm always being scolded for not knowing when others have mentioned me, as I have no notifications to tell me that I was mentioned. When I do see them it's because I found it by accident returning to a poster I like.

I continue to use Steem like a blog in 2002 and happily and clueless just go through my folder of favourites on my desktop, finding new people along the way through their good comments on other's posts. I should just bite the bullet and start using steemit aps, so maybe I will check out the one you mentioned.

Keep shining on and you will always be 'ophuman angeled' as you truly are an angel. God speed to your good spirit to continue here on Steemit!

Thank you for sticking it out Donna, this is only the beginning!! Things will get easier, I promise!

It's not shameful when the service is awesome!

The ability to set beneficiaries with ease is yet another reason to take a look at this Steem condenser.

Have a great weekend Lyndsay and @phoenixwren!

It is so kick ass Angel A! I've run into very few problems with steempeak.com. And they're still so young. Perhaps one day they will be our blockchain's flagship!

PS: Thanks for the LOVE BroSTAR!!!

I love the site for browsing, but with the one post a day I still use busy.org due to the little boost they give.

I struggle, as do many I guess, to reach everyone I want to all the time, maybe I need some abh-bots - oh to dream! 😇😇. Thank you L-angel!

Ooh I heard that en Français heh heh L'angel :)

What a beautiful celebration of friendship. The best part of this platform is the friendship and connection established. Internet friendship is real and is just as special as real world friendship.

The capture of the snail mail is gorgeous too!

Internet friendship is very underestimated <3 <3 <3

Snail mail is the best and I keep letters. It is beautiful to share them, to give them, to receive them, and everything. Like Christmas!

That's fucking awesome .. 👍👍❤

Well I am all for helping human kind. So if 51% is going somewhere needed, than what a wonderful place to start. One of the first peeps to invite me to steemland is @phoenixwren and we did have some back and forth interesting conversation happening. I know we are cat lovers and I know we both talked about those cute little free libraries around town. Other than that I wish time was more on my side and it was my own, rather than it being owned by a universe I never signed up for. It only takes me a moment of self loathing to realize how many are far less fortunate and struggle away. (Never have I seen your bookshelf so incredibly neat) Now I am all for a certain sense of neatness and order. Somehow it envelopes a sense of calm and rightness. I think of monks in an austere environment and the lack of clutter. Now I need to unclutter my monkey brain and when I do I will learn to understand all the techno, steemit jargon and lingo that my much older brain is failing to grasp. Yet I wonder in this new techno age and jargon and all the fancy names for the new found stuff............

I've been an active hermit, like a bumble-hermit, unlike last spring when I was definitely a sloth-hermit.

I'll send some of this energy over to you! You may or may not thank me heh.

You're kicking ass on STEEM, lightyears ahead of 99.9% of my friends, they're not even here yet the #coonts! hahaahaaa...

I have had my share of hermit days. All my hermit days served an intense purpose in one way or the other. Now true hermits would say I am a traitor..since I do get out and about and mix in well..just like instant chocolate quick. But they do not realize it does not last and I can not keep that up. It works in short bursts and back to hermit land I go. However, whenever I hermit, I rummage and forage and tidy my roost, like a little chipmunk. That way I turn off all the chatter and relish in the quietness. Then I sit back and watch the sunset. (and smoke) xx

This whole waiting-15-min thing is really messing me up. Don't the PIC know I have no concept of time? Sheesh!

Anyway, I love this post. Like, a LOT!

Thank you for all of your support Ewe <3 xo

Awww! So sweet! It's always a treat to get letters in the mail. Most people don't do it anymore. 😍💜💜

Posted using Partiko Android

I love how the Human Angels of #STEEM are sending snail mail!! <3 <3 Making it trend again!

Love Tsunami alert! ✌💛 😍

The one and the only <3

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