#Ophumanangels Ninja Notes and an Impromptu #litterwalk

in #ophumanangels6 years ago (edited)

Happy Monday everyone! Busy day here today and internet still is funky, but had to run my daughter to an early dentist appointment so time for an #ophumanangel #ninjanotedrop!

This place is busy so I wrote out quite a few notes. Let's see how many I can get out and photographed without getting caught!


Take care of you, for you are so special!


An obstacle is often a stepping stone

In the hardest of times we grow the most. You got this!

You are amazing. Have the best day!

Thank you for you. You matter so much

This turned into a bit of a #litterwalk! I grabbed a bag from my car to grab trash on the sidewalks here.....

And in front of the buildings.

It only took about 5 minutes to fill this bag, and then my daughter was done. I will have to keep the #litterwalk going at home, we haven't done the ditches yet.

This was a great way to pass time while I was waiting out here. I am glad to be headed back home, need to do a new and chicken check!

Believe in yourself. You are amazing!

I hope you all are having a great day.
Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤


Holy crap this is just full of AWESOMENESS!!!!! You go Karen, you go!! Double Op Success....!! The notes brightened my day, I needed to hear every single one of those messages SiSTAR...right to the heart!!

Amazing, keep up the "inspiration" and have the most amazing WEEK.

Thank you @deliberator! You as well <3 <3 <3

I love the double op! Thank you for being awesome and brightening people's days! 💚

I have you for inspiration <3 Thank YOU for all you do to bring smiles to people!!

💚 Thank you.

Good work @karenfoster hopefully many people who are renovated with #litterwalk

I need to do many more #litterwalks @apakapluk! Thank you:)

Good luck sis .. 😉

That are amazing @karenfoster, with the awsome notes and #litterwalk
I think that are the best idea to do like your do😉
Warm regards for #teamhumans and #ophumanangels😎

Hy miss @karenfoster, those panflet full with very good motivation sentences. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you always cheerful.


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