Angels At Wal-Mart?

I FINALLY got a pad of sticky notes the other day. Yesterday we went to "the big city" and I got to play "Operation Human Angels" - a project started by @lyndsaybowes that I just love! In my very rural part of Idaho, there are not many places to put sticky notes where someone will walk by regularly. Furthermore, everyone knows everyone around here, it is hard to do ANYTHING anonymously! I was pretty eager to go spread smile spreading among random strangers!

As we are driving in I start putting little messages on the notes. This is harder than it seems... I ask @longsilver for ideas. He is silent for a bit, I keep writing. When he finally speaks I realize I have to make the rest of them what he said - he is a pretty smart cookie. He wanted something that would be uplifting to ANYONE, the guy who just lost his best friend to the one who just won the lottery, I think he nailed it!

First stop, Denny's. We do intermittent fasting but still like breakfast, just not until about 1:00 PM. It may not be gancy, but Denny's serves us what we want. I sip coffee and try to figure out where to put my notes.


That one wound up on the handle of the car parked next to us at the Thrift Store:

LOL! That was a rush! For some reason it feels a little "criminal" - how dare I put nice notes for strangers to find?! Next stop, the grocery store... When I return my cart I leave a message for the next user!


OK, that tickles my funny bone. How many times have you grabbed a shopping cart and there is someone's chopped up coupon flyer, their shopping list, or some other random garbage in it? We go over to the Mal-Wart parking lot and I go hit several of the cart return corrals...


OOOPS! Busted! There was a guy in the van parked next to the cart corral on that one, so I stuck this to his window and smiled and pointed at him and walked away - I did NOT point the camera at him, so you just get the note for this stop lol! This is where the notes changed to @longsilver's message - isn't it awesome!? I did not take pics of every grocery cart I decorated but I think I got a half dozen carts done before we had circled the entire parking lot.


OK, we head home and stop by our little local store. I am going to pull down our first note, one @longsilver posted a month ago now, and put up a new one. When I get there, I realize I can't take it down, not yet...


So now I am home, and I have an extra note still! I know exactly where to put this one. On the pillow next to mine in bed!

All pics taken with my cell phone.

THANK YOU @lyndsaybowes ! I never thought grocery trips to the big city would be fun again, but that was a hoot! And thank you @longsilver for being the Human Angel in my life for all these years!


Omg you and Longsilver have brought happy tears to my eyes!!! Thank you so much for this incredible contribution to the #op!!!

LOL! That was a rush! For some reason it feels a little "criminal" - how dare I put nice notes for strangers to find?!

I'm so glad you know what it feels like now hahaha!! YESSSS!!!!!!

And a touching message!!

Ahh 💚💙❤
This is so uplifting @longsilver that is SUCH a good one! And, that you put one on his pillow *tears! Love starting the day with all these warm fuzzies 🦋

38 year running joke here... He is pretty smart for a boy ;)

Kind of a rush thinking you might get caught. It does get easier

That sounds like a lot of fun, who knows who you cheered up? I bet you made a few people's day.

Sweet, different and out there idea but I like it! Nice!

It was out of my comfort zone, but really uplifting!

Haha yeah I can imagine as we're taught not to do such things or touch what's not ours but I can totally see myself in the grocery store sticking stickies on everything in all the isles on my next trip! FUN!

Wonderful idea. Great messages. Hope lots of people were uplifted by the post- its. Great work.

I absolutely LOVE this idea! Im going to have to get a pad of sticky notes so my kids and I can do this when we go running errands!

Awww! I love this so much!

I love it! Welcome to #ophumanangels, @fishyculture! Ooh, carts is such a good idea! And I love that someone wrote you back! 💛

Thanks! I thought that reply was pretty awesome!

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