#ophumanangels strikes again...

Here we go on another mission.. spreading positive vibes and love everywhere... I got off work early and stopped my Michael's on the way home for a couple small canvasses... spent a couple hours painting and waiting for paint to dry but I'm finally ready..


So I went to Michael's and picked up a package of 5×7 canvasses... I broke out there paints and got busy on 3 paintings...

Painting #1


Painting #2


Painting #3 and my favorite of the 3..


For this post however I want whoever finds my messages to know where it came from.. So on the back of each painting I wrote this message...


So I've got my ammunition... I'm ready to go... tonight's target????


Free tickets I got to Zoo Lights for buying a ACE Hardware gift card...

Inside the Zoo..



And drop #1...


Some more lights..



I saw a ice sculpture..


A Steemit whale...


And drop #2..


Some more lights..



Drop #3 proved to be much more difficult... I wanted to make sure three last painting was found by a woman..
Thanks @eaglespirit for this comment this morning on my last post...


Hmmm... Do I dare???



I got caught coming out by a couple ladies... luckily for me I got the dumb look and the stupid act down pat.. but ... mission accomplished..

Headed over to the giraffe pen to get some heat and warm up as it was very cold and windy out.. but hopefully my messages will warm someone's heart...


Thanks for coming along with me spreading the love..
Peace out y'all.. Dave


AhHaaa I love that you put it in the bathroom. Though I have to ask ...why not on the sink? 😂
GREAT paintings and messages!
And re: which is cleaner, I've had more than one job over the years where I had to clean bathrooms ...no real difference. Women pee on the floor too. I don't want to know what hover yoga that requires, but it happens. 😂

There was water all over the sink.. it would have got wet.. I really wanted on top off the toilet paper holder but the stall didn't cooperate

Great job!! I hope you at least got to use that washroom! I hear they are much cleaner. You rock dude!

Lol.. no I didn't use their bathroom.. that really would have felt weird.. I already felt like a creeper just leaving the painting..

And no... women's bathrooms are 25X dirtier then men's.. sure we pee on the toilet seat and maybe the floor... but when was the last time you saw a bloody tampon in the men's room..

Yes! Winning with #OpHumanAngels

Awe yea! Nice moves on the last painting ;) They were all great:):)

Oh that last one took forever... I waited outside the bathroom for like 15 minutes waiting for my opportunity... but after I got the idea I just had to follow thru

Totally enjoying these #ophumanangels adventures from you and @lyndsaybowes - keep them flowing...

Nice job! You are crafty. I gotta get in on this positive vibe. :)

We want you "in" on the positive vibes.. we want everybody in... that's the message.. spread it

Werd up @davedickeyyall!!!
I'm making up some of my own positive messages.
I like where this is going.

Loved the undercover washroom Love Attack! 😃

Wow...I had no clue you were such an artist!!! I really can't imagine how it would feel to find a gift like that...You outdid yourself!!!!!!

And of course I was howling by the end, you're too funny...

Thanks for this, it's incredible Dave... <3

LMAO @ artist ... hardly.. I paint like a 3 year old...

I will admit to being funny though. It's my best quality.

I'll show you 3 year old painting...maybe it's time for me to get a little canvas hahahaa!!

Rocks are cheaper... and make a great OpHumanAngels post 😂🍻

See... Rocks are free..


Yes!!! This is amazing! 👏👏👏👏

It feels even more amazing.. come join the #ophumanangels party..

Hubby and I are working on it! What you guys are doing is so inspiring! That's actually our project for today. 😄

We're doing ours tonight. Look for the post tomorrow. 😁

I'll be looking forward to it..

"You a Goddess".... wow !

That was my favorite..

the absolute perfect placement ! they do say ... location, location, location !!!

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