Harvey the homeless hitch hiker

Ever since I let my girlfriend's sister use my truck we've been having to share a vehicle. This means that at 3 o'clock in the morning when she has to go to work I have to get up and take her. Such was the case this morning. On my way back as I'm driving down Kipling boulevard I noticed a man walking with his thumb out. Now I have a golden rule if you got a thumb out you got a ride. So I pulled over and ask this gentlemen where hes going...he introduced himself as Harvey.. he told me he was going to Evergreen to meet his brothers wife and their new baby.. born on Feb 12 ... Evergreen is 20-25 minutes beyond where I'm going but it's cold out so I went ahead picked him up and headed in that general direction. Come to find out this guy had been walking to Evergreen from civic center park in downtown Denver... now I don't know how far that is but that's a long fucking walk. I suggested that he should use the #walkwithme tag... but he didn't seem to know what that was..So as he falls asleep in my passenger seat I decide I'll just go ahead and drive him all the way to Evergreen which is what I did. When I got there we stopped at a local gas station.... bought a cup of coffee bought him a cup of coffee and gave up a couple dollars for food. The way he acted big me feel like that was the nicest thing somebody's done for him in long time period... What a good way to start the day.. get out there and spread some love...



Real act of kindness and generosity....you are an angel man,,,good work.


This is thoughtful of you @davedickeyyall

You just acted as an angel sent to the man to help him through that long journey that could've took him long distance to cover.
You have a good heart and i believe he will never forget this act of kindness that you showed to him.

Keep stretching the hands of love.

Wow, thanks so much for taking the time to tell this story, it totally made my day!! I'm having the best morning ever now too!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Just imagining how relieved he must have been to even be out of the cold <3 <3 <3 <3 You are a true human angel Dave <3 <3 Thank you for continuing to inspire the Steem community to take these actions that make our world a more trusting, loving place.

Amen! 🙏 #ophumanangels give so much love. Makes everyday Love day 💖

@dianna1 upvoted %45
Thank you @davedickeyyall

These #goodnews stories are what keep me coming back to this platform. Your beautiful angelness is just awesome Dave!!! Life is sure better by you being here 💖 Peace, Love -- and, thank-you for sharing your story of Harvey with us. Hope he enjoys the visit and blessings of his growing family!

Now I have a golden rule if you got a thumb out you got a ride.

Every previous hitchhiker should have this rule. I was hitchhiking from my college for 3 years and know the pain. Now sometimes even if there is no thumb I stop and ask if he/she needs assistance

You just made my day! Thanks. Harvey really lucked out when you stopped. Poor guy. I wonder how long it had been since he had something to eat. Reallygreat of you, @davedickeyyall!

Wow! That’s pretty cool dave! I thought I’d check out just how far of a walk it would have been from the Civic Center to Evergreen! He would have been walking a while!! Shoot if he was on Kipling he had already been walking a while!!!! It’s about 29 Miles From down town to Evergreen ! 😳 Thanks for helping Mr. Harvey !! 💙


That's AWESOME! Man, as a pedestrian, sometimes it's really fucking hard, and I've certainly never done a 30 mile hike. And the bus fare to go that far is absurd. The last time I paid a regional fare my trip was $9 - and it's gone up since then! You truly blessed him! 💚 You da man, Dave.

You the freakin' man Dave. It sucks that you gotta wake up at 3am, but hey if you didn't Harvey would still be walking out there in the cold.

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