A play by @davedickeyyall

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

The setting:
It's a early Sunday morning... the sun is just peeking over the horizon... it's a warm day for January, a balmy 24° but warming up quickly... that's the moment of inspiration.. a idea is born.

Steemit's favorite Angel is up and about his day.. let's take a quick peek inside our hero's morning..

Act 1:
Preparations are underway for a bold and daring OpHumanAngels mission...

Coffee....? Check.


Weed....? Check.


Weapon of choice... ? Check.


Act 2:
Our hero is walking down the path when suddenly a blank canvass appears in his radar...


The danger is real. Fear of being caught streaks thru his brain.... anyone could come around the corner... from either direction..

Our hero is reminded or the acronym for FEAR..


He reaches for his brush and quickly strikes back...



Here comes fear attacking his brain again... he knows he could leave now and claim victory.

But that's not the plan our hero had in mind... he runs up and back.. searching for anyone coming.. anyone..

Heart pounding... mind racing... fingers and hands shaking... our hero finishes the mission...




Act 3:
Return to base... one final look back at his handiwork and our hero returns triumphant in the face of fear..



Thanks for reading y'all... I'd love to hear y'alls thoughts on my presentation... it's my first attempt at anything fancy..

Peace out y'all... Dave


Cold weather, coffee and weed gets the brain juices flowing lol. Good work man.

Wtg Angel! U have made & will make many people smile today! Keep it up!

Bravo, Standing Ovations, Crowd Chants "Encore" ...

Do not worry about sending out those cards, @steveconner is going to send me some. Thanks anyways

Do not worry about sending out those cards, @steveconner is going to send me some. Thanks anyways

Awesome job Dave! You always come up with original ideas! Coffee and weed work well with inspiration

Great work! Lovely to see 💯🐒

More balls than me sir.

Omg of course I'm freekin out over here!! This is so rad, and SOOOO brave!! WOW!!! You immortalized the Op pretty damn good wowwweeee!!

Added to our page: https://www.facebook.com/OpHumanAngels/photos/pb.456906547722348.-2207520000.1516045516./1621963187883339/?type=3&theater

Bold move indeed sir! Excellent job!!! 😍👏👏

It got the blood pumping..

So much that I forgot to smoke the victory joint until I got home..

O: I'm so impressed at your awesomeness! You are braver than I, sir! Bravo!!

PS, what is your houseplant behind you? It's so pretty and happy looking. :)

I think its a coleus..

I haven't LAUGHED this hard in a while... every picture (check) had me laughing more. My dog thinks I'm crazy now!

Your images and facial expressions ARE PRICELESS!

Thanks.. I'm glad it made you smile 😁