Nice weather lots to do....Chaulk and walk time.

in #ophumanangels7 years ago

So like I said in another post, is was rainy here for the past 4 weeks. Decided that it was not going to rain and the clouds opened up. Ran some errans this morning and while the kids were sleeping, decided to do a few things. FINALLY took down the Christmas lights and put those away. Cleaned the floor because...well playdough was growing legs from this morning. So we have a crockpot rump roast going, what else to do....Well lets make cupcakes. Done. Now the kids are up and I told them that when they woke up from nap, we would walk to the park. So lets grap some chaulk and my less cunning brain and get after it.

Less than a block from out house is a small hidden park that many do not know about. So I dropped a message.
I was not thinking and what I wanted to write, I forgot half way thru, so well I have to improvise and change it. In doing so, I ran outta room. It reads "you are kicking todays ass". Probably not the best thing to write at the playground, but parents need love too.
Kids are loving the playground but want to move to the bigger one. So on our way, I catch a few ladies a few blocks behind that are speed walking this way. I make it look like I am stopping to tie kids shoes and write.
We turn the corner and I race to the school playground, so that the kids can play. About 30 minutes later we are on our way back to the house to help daddy frost the cupcakes, as promised.

While we are leaving the school, would you know I have to tie another shoe. This one was placed in the playground entrance to the school. This one made me laugh. My princess asked what is said, I read it to her and she started dancing.
She warms my heart. So we are walking back and we get to our corner. I let them out of the car buggy and they say "daddy picture", So I take one. 20180114_164511.jpg
She says go and I noticed that I am being left in the dust.
Oh well cupcake time.


Way to go out there and kick today's ass.. And teach the children how to vandalize.. a 2fer... lol 👍👍
Hopefully those ladies walking read your message

Aww! Cute! Thanks for taking them so I could study. 😍😍

Aww, he Op'd you too then!

But did he bring you home M&Ms lol

No, we got those at the store earlier. 😁🤣

I been on a Reeses pieces kick lately

I was on a zelda kick today. Fullfilled it

Awesome! What a great idea

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

"You're doing great" that message is awesome!!! We all need to hear this!!!! xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxxoxoxo

WOOHOO more chalking!!! My kinda op. 😁

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