1/8" of snow and people forget how to drive and act like humans.

in #ophumanangels7 years ago

So I left work around 4pm to fedex some things and run errans before heading home. It started snow drizzling, which where I am from (South Dakota) this is just another Wednesday in the winter. But here its like it was the worst blizzrd since the beginning of time. People forget how to drive or how to act towards others. So anyways to my #ophumanangels...There is this road that connects the valley to the island that I work on called twin bridges.

Does not look like much, but coming from the island to the bridge is down hill, the bridge obviously is up hill, over channel to the ocean and back down. So once on top, you cannot see the landing of the bridge unless you are right on it. So as I am coming down the hill, I see no brake lights. As I drive up the bridge I see no brake lights...Get to the top of the bridge and its like a whiteout and I see nothing still. I put on my flashers, so the people behind me know that I am going to go slow....2wd mini truck doesnt go to good in the snow. Now I have driven in the worse conditions you can imagine, I have the skills from 23 years driving in the snow, I know when to be cautious...So I am doing like 40. Then there it is....Accident at the bottom of the slick bridge. Shit....Brake lights cars sliding, cars sideways on the road and there is no ditch. So I down shift....pull off to the side of the road, as the emergency crews are not there yet and people infront of me are just sitting watching...I shut off my truck and make sure the cars have stopped sliding and stopped crashing. I got speak with a lady and help her out of her car and her young son. I let them warm up in my truck. 4 cars, no major injuries....Good thing. So emergency crews show up. They all do the whole information, what happened who did what blah blah blah....I always think that People when presented the right thing to do will, but not all the time. I just thought, what would I want someone to do with me and my kids, if something like that happened. I had a Coke from work and a cookie that I was going to give to my kids when I got home, but they both were apprehended by the young kid...No worries. My kids dont need the sugar anyways.....So The husband came and was with the lady and her child. I did not have to fill any paperwork out and I was on my erran run. So I did not make it to Fedex...Ohwell, its ok. But I still needed to hit up Safeway to pay the load on a motor home we helped a family in the valley get, which they SOMETIMES pay on time every month, but that is another story....

So I am at Safeway and I am coming inside to pay at the bank and I notice a lady coming out with groceries...I decide to use the other door, because it looks heavy. She was not prepared. I would say mid 40s. Hits the slippery slop leading into the parking lot and loses it....Right on her butt.. Grocery bags (3) and all. I come back out side and help her gather her things...As I do this, 2 younger couples walk right past laughing....Really. Laughing. This is the thing that pisses me off the most...You walk right by someone that needs assistance and you cannot even stop to get off your phone to make sure that they are alright. Make sure that they did not injure them selves. Yes she was fine, a little laughing at the situation, but shit man. What if it was your mother...Sister or someone you knew. Would you be laughing or helping. Quit being tools and be a better part of humanity then....lets laugh at someones misfortune..Ass hats is what they are....Sorry for the rant.

In better news, I get to take the 4 wheel drive to work, because @khacketts mom needs a ride and I should probably go to work. Peace and Love.


You are good people. <3

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This was a very uplifting thing for me to read, first thing in the morning! Thank you for giving the most valuable gift any of us has... our time! Our attention! Slowing down for a moment and just being there for others. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 This is a wonderful #OpHumanAngels post @chackett!! xoxo

Such a busy afternoon for you. I use my flashers much more now than I did before. Traffic grinds to a halt so quickly and I don't want to get hit, so if I see people stopping hard, I throw on my flashers so they pay attention. Glad everyone was ok.
And it sucks that people would just walk by and laugh. I understand that maybe you can't help everyone all the time, but it's mean to laugh at other people's misfortune. Good for you to help out!

I always wonder about the people who laugh, like they've never fallen on ice before? How do they feel? Arrrgh.
I'm glad you were there to be a good human, on both counts!
Once we came upon an accident due to ice in the era before cell phones. We asked if they needed us to call for help; they said someone already was going to do that so we decided to wait and make sure paramedics arrived (a girl was stuck in the car and couldn't get out). A cop car drove by from Denver (we were in Aurora, a suburb). We flagged him down, and he said out his window, "Not my jurisdiction," and drove off.
I was floored. You're driving a cop car, and in uniform, for whatever reason outside your jurisdiction, and YOU CAN'T STOP AND HELP A GIRL TRAPPED IN A CAR? Or even radio in and wait? Off duty first responders help all the time because HUMANITY and this guy just drives off like he didn't care or didn't want to be in trouble for being someplace he wasn't supposed to be.
Meanwhile, here you are being a better human just going about your day!

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