@tyrnannoght : Updates, 20200719

in #opgaming4 years ago (edited)


when you don't have a timetable you can't be late

when you don't have a destination you can't get lost

Collin Stafford-Johnsson

Some posts explaining (on steemit in this case : ) -

(how to register the steemitwallet-account used with the website)

At the moment :

@tyrnannoght combined vote 0.031330831140381 STEEM(!)after payout - 19 Sunday Jul 2020, 2:30 UTC
These , F.a.q and contact form and info can be found here

  1. The Burning, 15 : although 1 mystery showed itself ... b/c the cursor was still moving around but not visible the pointer actually hits the cursor (even if its transparent it marks the whole plane - ofc ...) so it only highlights the borders that dont show the cursor over it (even when invisible) ... which now makes total sense, but still not the FPS-thing, the FPS thing is time-related, not "that many hours running" but early morning related ... like someone is trying to poke in and tap without cables attached ... i see the Mitnickfeed has what was to be expected. Im gonna forego on the kilroy was here first with the social engineering opinion (newsletterwise) but one thing ... someone saying everyone who runs a system should have the art(s) of ... as mandatory reading. I'd have agreed but this is the age of no coding. Assuming someone can read b/c they 'run' a system has BECOME an assumption. You dont need to read, the machine will read FOR you ... the machine will THINK for you, its THAT easy ... megacorp will put the thinking in a program for you, you dont have to bother, just BUY IT! :) gud .. i see ... the girls scowl at me ready to attack (expensive taste means no sales due to opinion is bad ofcourse .. and it IS, i agree, and i try, but it keeps pushing me to talk, im sore all over from the pushing, i pushed myself too long too so im gonna regret that for the rest of the day as my brain will hurt from my head hurting coming from down below like everywhere ... yes ofcourse, but the game will not make you rich, you need to buy it and pay to play, so its not for you (as someone overthere once told me ...) :) ask the girls about the salespitch i dont have one
  2. The Burning, 15 : not that it matters anymore i guess but since i was gonna, im gonna anyway - somewhat overhauling #stuff as custom datatypes > arrays in most cases there - a bit worried i lose what i gained in php and javascript due to syntaxing and errors , delimiters and in general #stuff. By the time STEEM is worth something the cold war between us and china probably has it on one side only (and europe aint one of two) but i didnt count on that anyway since they wrecked morgan and afaik even Patreon is a hassle when living in belgium SO ... assuming no one's gonnna pay a million up front e.t.a. is still 2150 :) ... a wew ... Jaja volle gaas ... freedom of speech for everyone (unheard of heretic points from a very controversial figure) ... countermanded by someone with no political color who seems to talk an awful lot about politics .. my guess is : gent, zeker , meid ? AOW ! pinkie and kanamori says NO ... if i start with THAT, tweetering, im gonna be busy 25 hours and 8 days doing nothing at all instead of trying to get something done ... and certainly not happening on the game account. Before my harem-brides cut me off for the rest of the year, hm.... doesn't really matter since who the hell reads any of it but the stalkers ? (always looking for something to prove what never was but after so many years they just HAVE to b/c otherwise they were wrong all this time you see, and that cant be ...) One prangende vraag remains : the FPS thing, it seems to be time-related ... earlie in the morning (realtime) it drops 3 to 8 FPS ... no matter what i put on screen or what i swing around. The pc is offline, always - i can NOT make that make sense, unless Drill the alien is causing energy fluctuations around sunrise in van drukkerland.
  3. The Burning, 15 : ah and also ... the missing 3 fps which wasnt is back with a vengeance and is now 7fps ... especially it started showing after zooming in and it draws 1000 polygons less ... i must be more of an amateur than i thought since i dont get it. Okay ... i get a difference of 2000 polygons in the same state after switching .. i get 3 fps less on 1000 polygons less AND on a zoom-out i get 60.000 count instead of 7000 ... im gonna re-boot and see if its a leak (again) - so ... boot , run , 29fps shoots at 30 right away, possible still something boot-ish, 7600 polygons, zoom in to menu ... 6500 polygons ... 28 fps, zoom back out, something wrong with the cam (thats probably something i did myself actually fixing the other thing) 7000 polygons , 28fps, go to zoomlevel 1 ... 62000 polygons (??!???) , 30 FPS !!! ... ehhh , back to zoomlevel 0 , 9000 polygons, somehow makes sense since the bottom layer is still there but the 62.000 does not, there must be something about occlusion i dont understand and i just don't understand how 400 objects(planes) times 2 ends up 7600 polygons to 62000 - im such a noob
  4. The Burning, 15 : something just made sense ... amazing, what a WIN-day ... but somethings else didnt again ... its ... im not sure how all that compilation works but i get the impression it doesnt evaluate combined conditions in the same order every time (if a AND b ... (if a (is true) and b (is true) ) condition b depending on something in a existing , it sometimes and sometimes doesnt so i can only assume on some runs it evaluates a first and on some it evaluates b first ... next thing you know im gonna have to fall back on assembler to make sure i know what my program is doing ... how can you people work like this ? - but IT keeps torturing me in the meantime ofcourse, still assuming if it keeps on damaging enough pain i will eventuall fall into the norms it was programmed to push me into ... instead i have become something very twisted ... but that's irrelevant ... im also stuck in enemy territory, clearly ... but its been really quiet lately ... SO quiet im REALLY convinced someone's up to something. Its been years since it was this calm. The obvious solution would be to just put the conditions in sequence but that doesnt remove my question, which is now stuck in my head. Why does it give an error THIS time and not the next ? there's no sequence to it either it seems random. The raycast acts funny too even with the cam updated (which is hard until you return the updated position after moving it i guess), it puts the cursor on the object where it should be but only highlights the tile when the pointer is at the bottom or right border (of said tile) and THAT, my dear and good friend ... once more ... (ah but these are not problems, my dear ... its 2020, the year where i officially have no future anymore, this is keeping busy to prevent worse ... and NO, i am NOT interested in saving a world that fucked me over ...) GUD never mind, WE ARE VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE ... (fill in dots, its always the same, just check the internet for the last five years on about every video ... i think they clone them and then make-up alterations so they dont all look the same ... i swear its the triffids !!!)
  5. The Burning, 13 : yes, i know, but actually i had that BEFORE the lootingrights movement started : you don't pick a gender ... and there's only one race : human ... (you cant play elf but they exist, although rare, as npcs, citizens and henchmen). It wasn't really with pc-principal in mind but i think that should do anyway. No gender but you pick a base avatar which can have bulges where you want them (lol) will that do ? Yes, that will do (but i want to stress i did not intend that BECAUSE .. it was already decided)
  6. The Burning, 12 : trying hard not to use 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF in the code (OBVIOUSLY I MEAN O MY GOD!) ... but its bleeding all over the place . I dont know but i dont know how the engine does what it does and thats probably above my paygrade anyway. Like quantum mechanics .. dont ask me to show you the numbers but i know how it works, you see ... so i dont see why tiles with 0.0 space between let light through ? I tried creating a huge plane with on the fly texturing per what should be a tile but thats WAY slower ... im trying to work within the limits of the application i already moved from phaser to "i wanna re-compile firefox for a custom client" to this one so i told myself i will do the washed-up beach within THIS one ... every zone is supposed to be different anyway for the lower wards so i can get my base-systems for future areas(/realms , whatever). It also seems to be very slow , 800 planes and it drops 3FPS ... so ... that cant be too many quads , or polygons*2 ... but maybe its CUZ different number of objects. I need some figuring to figure what to do with the calibrator here. Its cool and snazzy, and im sure on a threadripper system with an RTX2080 even without actual raytracing it can do seriously awesome shit but the intention is ... and the point is , my 3DFX card from back yonder could handle 1600 polygons witout breaking a sweat ... so im gonna have to either figure it or downgrade the snazzy. Since my idols are still the 64-scene ... i guess working within the frame should be most rewarding as opposed to caving in to "add another gpu" or just downgrade the snazzy. But you know ... the world is busy being all 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF about it ... even the linux intellectual elite (which i considered to be tekno-mages up until now) has fallen for the Orwellian nightmare ... i have a word for that : LAME ! Orwell weeps.. (DAMN ... she saw that ... no sex AGAIN tonight GODS DAM my right arm is growing buff ...) Rated not for yo momma and yo kids, just to be sure, PEGI 88+ (just in case...)
  7. The Burning, 10 : feverish .. .again ... hopefully false alarm, AGAIN ... all the symptoms needed to check are actually recurring with since way before ... i would never see it coming until its there ... i had a week where i was bumping into things too and almost loss or less control over motoric functions, kept dropping stuff ... but that was BEFORE i read on the blood/brain barrier and how that thing really has no respect for what's considered appropriate ... but that's not for here . Time ... movement ... i can use realtime because a kilometer is a kilometer now matter what you name it and velocity and Newton will be Newton although he will have another name there and magic DOES exist ... but outside magic, the laws apply : nature first ... man-made ? (well a wise guy once said "law can not reach where enforcement can not follow" , i prefer : "anarchy is the lack of the need to be governed" and what i see the last month or more ... they're not ready for that ... self-destructive, yes .. totally but if it were internally i'd still be cool with that, putting others at risk who didnt ASK to be in the fray of forcing them to choose ... i'm NOT down with that .. its a disgrace to anyone calling themselves : anarchist ...anyway : time ... movement, i subdivide each tile into 20 sub-sections , which at normal measure standards would be 250m² each (which is about the size of this social housing block i live in ... easy reference) howto and what ? well stronghold kingdoms does it and plenty more but im looking at something id like a bit more complicated than that .(if the brainbugs dont get me and i start rioting in the streets, forgetting why i was there in the first place after a few weeks but HEY EVERYONE AROUND ME DOES IT!) ... yes i have my doubts .. but well .. i understand the original outrage, i do NOT understand the prolongued consequence, and i wonder what Floyd would have to say if he saw all that ... BUT (kanamorichiiiiii ... just slapped me ... im not supposed to speak like that here... GOD DAM! no sex again tonight, tssssss.... frozen shoulder)
  8. The Burning, 9 : the time ... time is not a static concept it expands and contracts in case you haven't noticed ... according to the ancients its subject to gravity, however ... all that might be perception or just not ... most people refuse to see what happens if you enter an infinity symbol in Einsteins finest ... and me, im not an expert ... BUT ... my calendar is lacking .. it works by days but in order for a clock to work in-game i need it to be exact ... now it will 'flip' between days from earth time day to the next but it needs hours so the day-night cycle at world's end is correct. It can't be too hard but seeing as summertimes seems to come with mandatory braindead for two or three years now (something about 'buiten spelen' i think as enforced by elder triffids) EVERYTHING IS HARD THESE DAYS, EVEN MATH ...
  9. The Burning, 7 : put up a cursor instead of highlighting (after working out the highligting system to put back original colors and then thinking 'meh' ...) . I had over 100 cursor(/frames) rendered, i just rememebered and this ... looks better and comes in handier until another thing comes up i guess. (and then some stuff, lots of splitting and doubling up functions ... REDUNDANCY YOU SAY ? heresy and all that ... yes but i'm not down with OPP, yea you know me ...) It's not redundant anyway to have several functions with slight differences, the program just takes up more space. Performance-wise that should actually be better (as far as i understand these things with my non-degreed laymans ass ... its not written for a c64 anyway, its written for machines that run 45 to 90 gb games, last time i checked ARK evolved takes up 96GB on my windows drive after the last patch. . . last time i checked running it on EPIC at 4K (or even full HD) requires a PC you can buy in 2150 (if lucky hardware gets that far) so timeline-wise we are all still safe

    yea, issues i has them , and since the child inherits ...

  10. the bleeding of light ... i think it just takes pixels in a globe or something i cant say for sure it goes right through solid planes ... ive been busy with sanity and stuff

    more than with steemit ... i see the yabAPPmatt-app is taking over the login and no one thinks that can be an issue in the future ... i am by now 95% convinced covid has crossed the blood-brain barrier in most so called a-symptomatic people and we are heading for an actual braindead zombie apocalypse . Well, if you think Matt is too big a person to try and boycott steem then how about monopoly ... i thought that was NEVER a good idea , maybe Justin Sun is just sleeping and didnt notice

    either way : bad for Zathrass ... (as usual)

    Decided to use some of our yearly budget of : currenty : 0 euro (lol haha) to spread some love so :

    Tyrnannoght is now proud (albeit very small) sponsor of :

    • CC0 textures : https://www.patreon.com/cc0textures

    • Tiled : https://www.patreon.com/bjorn

    • Phaser : https://www.patreon.com/photonstorm

    • theres certainly a few more i wouldnt mind showing appreciation but for now 0/3 = 1 . I'm looking into one for mine but i have contacted the ministry of soviet culture first to see if im actually allowed to keep a dollar for myself without being a tax-terrorist under the current conditions and states and if not if maybe it would be allowed to just swap it for stuff like hosting or hardware for machines to work on. I doubt ill get the 5000 or more a month needed to just get the documents and fees to start up a registered business any time soon and i sure as hell dont need THE state to come up with another way of taking everything+1 for the umpteenth time heh ...

    @tyrnannoght holds:(20200612)

    There seems to be more crap going on. Steemmonsters (splinterlands) fled for HIVE ... (no comment) but steem-engine expects me to use a keystore-app that's provided by ... yabapmatt ... i DID trust them to be fair and straight since i considered them into business, not politics but with this im not really sure ... i certainly dont trust handing my keys to something made by someone who just skips ship regardless of clientele and expects everyone to follow, it must be one of those american things that make zero sense overhere . So these numbers are month-old at best and i can not find another way to transfer and update. All it says is "steemconnect deprecated, please use keychain (by yabapmatt ...)" ... somewhat un-acceptable.

    • GG : 6103 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ...
    • UFM : 5153 staked , #UFM .. @upfundme #upfundme ... it's ... upfund me !
    • the others are quentities not really worth mentioning
    • several coins seem to have disappeared from steem-engine with no warning or refunds - caveat emptor

    for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
    i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

    all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

    i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

    the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

    no salespitch

    no mediahype

    the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

    *Shrouded in mist* *on hilltop lies* *the City of Night*
    (tyr - nan - noght)

    for more you can check out :

    pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

    The Youtube Channel (click) (youtube channel will be cleaned up a little and posting of videos will be less frequent, its not a tutorial series after all ...)

    twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

    Facebook four or five weeks later they're 'reviewing my submission' still i dont think doucheberg likes me much

    any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

    discord : https://discord.gg/hkF4FtR (i check discord at best once a week at the moment, if anything were ever urgent its best to use the contact-form on site or drop a note on telegram for now)

    any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports

    The goldmanmorgan actual website :

    The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, moving servers atm ...

    steemit Tyrnannoght community : here


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