Artificially Intelligent Tutors that will disrupt the Education Industry through Blockchain Technology — The Opet Foundation

Imagine a vending machine without any snacks inside. The same can be said about many cryptocurrencies. What’s the point of a new cryptocurrency that lacks usability or a product? That’s the case for many of the new initial coin offerings that are offered on the market.

The main point of supporting an initial coin offering should be having the expectation of the project being used. The more real-world usage, the more valuable a cryptocurrency becomes.

Think about a chatbot. Similar to Apple’s assistant or Google’s assistant that helps with answering questions, concerns, and much more. Now combine that concept with a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence that is designed to help secondary school students study. A chatbot that can be used as a digital tutor. A tutor that is always there for the student and ready to help them get the A on their exam.

Meet Opet Foundation

The Opet is much more than a digital tutor. The important interactions between the artificial intelligence and the student are recorded on the blockchain. This data will be indisputable and secure. The purpose of recording this data will be used for college admissions and much more. Making it easy to profile students that would best fit certain colleges.

Similar to how YouTube recommends videos on the home page to users or how Netflix recommends what to watch next, Opet will use the same AI recommendation engines for recommending students educational and employment opportunities. This is such a revolutionary proposal that would change how students interact in the real world with educational institutions and employers.

The Problems

Accessibility can be difficult when it comes to a tutor. How would a middle school or high school go about finding the most efficient tutor that fits their specific needs? The task will send most on a wild goose chase. Trying to find a reputable teacher with so many sources to choose from, it may be more beneficial to use that time studying than frustrated in the end.

Increases in tuition costs leave little room for a tutor. The price of supplies and tuition is increasing exponentially. The price of quality tutors is also increasing. Institutions control the pricing and resources that students need. The best tutors and educators can be rarely found outside of overinflated institutions.

Scheduling and finding time to meet a tutor online or in person can be difficult. Even if a time and date are selected, other things in life often interfere and result in cancellations. Especially for a busy middle school or high school student, time is crucial and cancellations from either party can ruin the week or the performance on an exam.

Tutors do not always help students in the long term. While tutors may provide answers and help for a specific test, they may not be beneficial in the long term for students seeking to become independent thinkers. A tutor’s job and focus should be on booking as many appointments as possible with the student. Their job is not always to make the students independent and really become a tutor themselves in the sense that they can problem solve for themselves, without relying on someone else.

College applications can be overly time-consuming and a real pain in general. Sending in hard verification, resumes, reports, etc. through the mail can be a long and unnecessary tedious process. Errors can be made and the whole process must be repeated. This inefficient method can cost money and time, as well as the hassle.

The Solutions Opet Offers

Opet will be a readily available app worldwide. A smartphone or computer is needed to use Opet as a tutor. Almost everyone has access to the internet and almost everyone will have access to a smart tutor.

The Opet tutor will remain affordable for everyone using the OPET token as a means of payment. The OPET token will give confidence in countries where the currency may not be reliable. The value will remain stored in the Opet Foundation. Savings will not be wasted by investing into the OPET token.
Receiving funds for education can be done securely using the OPET token. The transactions will be open sourced. Therefore, fraud and other negative behaviors will be prevented.

The Opet tutor will remain open 24/7. Scheduling and finding time to use the chatbot will be of maximum efficiency. The hassle of scheduling and rescheduling can be removed due to the new technology.

Through artificial intelligence, the Opet chatbot will try to aid the student in their constructive questioning development. By providing questions, instead of solely giving the answer key or other methods, the Opet tutor will encourage creativity and allow the students to better themselves.

By taking advantage of blockchain technologies, imagine sending a hash-key to a preferred college or other educational institution without having the troubles of finding all the required documents and sending them via mail. The institution only has to use OPET tokens in order to securely access the student’s data. That data has been tracked in a tamper-proof manner and fully transparent.


To Summarize, the Opet Foundation is building a smart chat bot tutor that will use artificial intelligence to aid the student in studies, while also tracking the student’s data and recording it on the blockchain.

The Opet Foundation will be taking the YouTube and Netflix Recommendation Engine to the education field for colleges and careers. This is both beneficial for the student, as well as the institutions.

The Opet Foundation is also already partnered with The University of Cambridge. The Psychometrics Centre of the University will be implementing the ApplyMagicSauce personality-profiling tool to aid students using the chatbot.

The American University of Central Asia has also partnered with the Opet Foundation. They will work to include the curriculum in the chatbot. Then, the chatbot will be rolled out in the region and ready to use by students.
The OPET token will have many usage cases, such as:

All Education-Related expenses in the Opet app. For example, digital tuition, curriculum-related e-commerce, university tuition, etc.
Philanthropy will be supported. Donations will be accepted through OPET tokens. Allowing charities and global institutions to avoid middlemen that take cuts.
Universities, employers, etc. will use OPET tokens in order to access the data of the student.
There are MANY more potential use cases of the OPET token. And the Opet Foundation is in position for those usages to become a reality through their partners.

Learn more about the Opet Foundation here:


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