Steemit OpenMic Week 86: The Weight (my first openmic)

in #openmic6 years ago

The Weight

by The Band

Covered by @veckinon

After over three months on steemit, I am finally getting around to posting my first #openmic post.

This is a cover of a song by The Band. The song is called, The Weight. Like a lot of other songs by The Band, You have probably heard it, even if you think you haven't. Feel free to sing along if you know the words. You're bound to at least know the chorus.

I am not the greatest vocalist and the song got away from me at a couple of parts. I considered punching in some vocals to fix a couple of problem areas, but I figured that would kinda be cheating. At least, you wouldn't be able to do that at a real open mic. So here it is. Hope you enjoy...

Best wishes,


Nice song! Great to hear you. Perhaps 'the song got away from you at a couple of parts', but you sang with feeling and sincerity. I really like it. Keep on!

Thanks, Roman. You notice I used that v67g? Haha. I bought that after seeing you use one and being impressed with the results. Great mic for the price!

haha, yes! I saw it in the thumbnail previously and remembered our conversation! I'm really happy with its performance.

Awesome, i love the sincerity. Your guitar is beautiful and the whole performance is cute. Just resteemed this.

Thanks a lot! I am glad you like it.

Thanks for listening, man.

That was a cool cover song! I was singing right along with you. :-)

Haha. I knew someone would. I considered trying to overdub harmonies on the chorus, but I figured, with my singing, it would be week 87 by the time I got it right 😂.

Really, really enjoyable. The music was great and your delivery was expressive. Hope to see more of them.

Thanks for the kind words. It is kind of strange playing by yourself for a camera. That was the first time I'd ever really done it.

You weren't alone--you had your guitar :)


Awesome dude.... let me give you the official welcome to the #openmic family!!!

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