OPEN MIC WEEK 39 - My cover of Been Smoking Too Long by Nick Drake

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians. Nick Drake is one of my favourite artists. Annoyingly, he's also really hard to play on guitar. Here's my first attempt at laying down a cover of his wonderful version of Been Smoking Too Long (it was originally by Robin Frederick but Drake made it famous).

Anyway, here it goes:

Thank you for taking the time to hear me. Let me know what you think and good luck with all your creative endeavours!


Huge Nick Drake fan as well - and yes his songs are total bastards to play. A lot of them are in weird 5/4 time signatures too. Apparently he used to just stare at a wall and play endless loops stoned out of his head - you should check out his mother's music too! You can see the influence.

Yeah I heard her piano style influenced him greatly. I was working on River Man a while back, I might try and have another crack at it at some point.

You were on $0.01 when I voted, and it went up to $32... I thought I might have become a whale for a moment. It's a good attempt at this... he's very difficult to copy.

Well it's greatly appreciated, whale or no!

Thanks to everyone who's voted so far. My first serious upvotes :) It's much appreciated!

Have you come across Sibylle Baier? She's from the same era, and is also very good.

No but I'll check her out. Thanks for the tip!

Thank you for playing Steemit Open Mic.

Thanks for hosting it! Can steemers post multiple videos with the tag or should we just do one per week? Sorry, am new here :)

You video unfortunately will not qualify for prizes because you didn't say "Open MIc Week 39" at the beginning. This is to prevent people from grabbing any video on youtube and claiming it is them.

If you are making a new video with you playing live that you made right now you can post as many as you like.

If you're just grabbing prerecorded videos even if they are of yourself that you did not make specifically for this contest then no, only one per week.

Ah, ok that makes total sense! Thanks for clarifying :)

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