Steemit Open Mic Week 57 Reverbdelay#3 Original Composition - Fight for Life

in #openmic7 years ago

Dear steemitfriends wherever you are..
How is everyone ?
Hopefully in good health and in the protection of God Almighty.

Dear sahabat steemians dimanapun kamu berada..
Apa kabar ?
Semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu dan dalam lindungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

I'm happy to be present in openmic again, today I want to share the music I created with my guitar and a little touch of delay effect and Lopper, I hope you like it :)

Bahagia rasanya bisa hadir di openmic lagi, hari ini saya ingin membagikan hasil karya musik yang saya ciptakan dengan gitar saya dan sedikit sentuhan efek delay, dan looper. saya berharap kamu menyukainya.

This music I created as a picture of patience, strength, prayer in the struggle of one's life to be better.
And the wheel must be turning.

Musik ini saya ciptakan sebagai gambaran tentang kesabaran, kekuatan, do'a dalam perjuangan hidup seseorang untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Dan roda pasti berputar.

I apologize if this work is still far from a good word to be perfect.

Saya meminta maaf jika karya ini masih jauh dari kata bagus terlebih sempurna.

Thanks to support from @levycore dan @aiqabrago as Curator Steemit Indonesia and thanks to @luzcypher and @pfunk have made the amazing contest.
Succes and love you all :)

   ***Keep Steem on Me @teukurobbybinor***

Nice sound.


Thankyou very much @luzcypher
Warm regard from me in Aceh, Indonesia
Succes for you :)

this is beautiful great work on the guitar , love it , keep up the good work

Tks a lot friend, tks for your support :)

Çok Güzel Çalışma Olmuş
Tebrik Ederim
Başarıların Devamını Dilerim

Big thanks friend
Great pict :)

keren.. udah ada liriknya?

Terima kasih bg, belum ada liriknya bg hhe

akhirnya @teukurobbybinor tanpa minor... terusin yah bakatmu!

Wkwkwk, terima kasih atas supportnya mbak :)

Although you say it is not perfect, I really like what I hear. Wish you all the success with further tuning and hope to hear your next version soon.

Thankyou verymuch,
Yaa, i will trying make a better
Tks for ur support n respect, succes for you :)

really digging this one

Tks a lot friend :)

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