Steemit Open Mic Week 89: "No Children" (Mountain Goats cover)

in #openmic6 years ago

Dark song. I really enjoy energetic dark songs.


I hope that our few remaining friends
Give up on trying to save us
I hope we come up with a failsafe plot
To piss off the dumb few that forgave us
I hope the fences we mended
Fall down beneath their own weight
And I hope we hang on past the last exit
I hope it's already too late
And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here
Someday burns down
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away
And I never come back to this town again
In my life I hope I lie
And tell everyone you were a good wife
And I hope you die
I hope we both die

I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow
I hope it bleeds all day long
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises
Well we're pretty sure they're all wrong
I hope it stays dark forever
I hope the worst isn't over
And I hope you blink before I do
I hope I never get sober
And I hope when you think of me years down the line
You can't find one good thing to say
And I hope that if I found the strength to walk out
You'd stay the hell out of my way
I am drowning there is no sign of land
You're all coming down with me (yeah yeah) hand in unlovable hand
And I hope you die
I hope we both die

While I do really like this song, the reason I chose it this week it that it's absolutely chock full of terminal consonants, which have been driving me nuts in my other recordings, and I felt like I needed to throw myself into the deep end a bit. These are imperfect but much, much improved.

The Mountain Goats are probably the artist I most identify with on a musicianship level. John Darnielle isn't a great guitarist, and he isn't a great singer, but he manages by being competent at both while offering strong characters and incredible wordsmithing. I'd like to think that's somewhere I can get to from here.

Proceeds from this post go toward awarding bonus prizes for original songs in Open Mic.


Haha, I love the song! You are right about dark energetic songs - they for sure are enjoying. And the best part about these songs is that, we always somehow can relate to this.

It reminds me of a song from a Dutch comedian about having a tough life aswell. I tried finding a video with English subs - it's not optimal, but hey, at least it sends a message.

Dark but nice! Really enjoyed :)

Dark indeed - with a twist of humor... and enjoyable on that very level... Nice, TC!

I especially love doing this one as a M/F duet, with both singing the whole thing heartily and together. But I don't have a female singer who's ready to perform online at the moment.

I LOVE this song, mostly because I like the "dark" stuff too :) You did a great job; I started learning guitar not long ago and am struggling terribly, mostly because my old hands can't take it haha I didn't know you played and sang as well, but I realized today that I didn't know much about you...something I intend to change :)

I realized today that I didn't know much about you...something I intend to change

Fair warning, my partner of 19 years still says this. Not because she doesn't know a great deal, but because I always seem to be bringing new and unexpected things.

haha @tcpolymath, I'm not afraid of change or the unexpected. In fact, I welcome it :) Bring it on 😎

lol i got great kick out of this tune huge smile

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