Steemit Open Mic Week 69 - NSFW (original song)

in #openmic6 years ago

A special treat for week 69 😎😎

NSFW (lyrics)

I like Steem breasts
Make me feel less depressed
I like Steem breasts
Always show NSF...

Double Bs
Double Cs
And double Ds

I’m not talking about batteries
Talking straight up pornography

I like Steem breasts
Make me feel less depressed
I like Steem breasts
Always show NSF...

Double Bs
Double Cs
And double Ds

Upload your nudies
Blockchain your booty

I like Steem breasts
Always show NSFW

Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 2.56.08 PM.png


Guys - NSFW or NOT - I'm lovin' the harmonies and creativity across-the-board here, dudes!

You guys make me feel less depressed, for sure!

Okay, now I'm going to light a candle to add to your collection! Ha! Love U-guys sooo much!

lol laughed so hard

lol, that last part made me laugh...I'm not quite sure what was meant by that haha...

Thanks for the kind words & feedback.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I completely agree with this message! This is my new fav! When I do my smut for @pornwatch, believe me when I say-- I shall put this on play!

OooooOOooo ("Oh" face) Yeah!

It takes brave men to admit to enjoying pornographic and artistic nudity in this day and age. I was going to do a hashtag thing but decided that would possibly be a very damning thing to do, even if meant as a joke.

Yeah... either brave or dumb lol

Will expect your resignation from Ontario provincial politics in the morning, don't worry though, you can still run America😂

Again you made my list of fun things this week! So refreshingly immature! Remember back in primary school when we all giggled at the word breast!
I was like that listening to your latest gem!

Thanks! "Refreshingly immature" is a great compliment 😎

Brilliant! Boobs are fantastic, aren't they? I'll be singing that "double" chorus to myself, although IBTC didn't get a shout out :(
Thanks for adding original sex-positive content!

You two are too much, the candle light was the perfect touch. So funny.

you dirty dirtybirds! lol

It's the dirty birds that get the worm, or something along those lines.


although I don't care for boobies, I love this song and your two are magical!

nsfw ftw!

As always you are genious and the music is in my head ! lol

You guys rock steemit’s paltform 😂😂😂

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