Steemit Open Mic Week 52 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Original Entry: ∞§∞Didgeridoo Oasis∞§∞ With Special Guest "Waterfall"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #openmic7 years ago



I was on an epic adventure this weekend in a lush spring fed oasis but still was thinking about Steemit and OpenMic! SO I recorded a special didgeridoo rendition with a spring fed waterfall!

I have been participating since about week 5 I believe and have always made a point to support this project as I feel it is one of the most valuable projects happening on Steemit. Not only is it good for the musicians who as we know always need support as it is very difficult to make it as a musician in this world. 

However it is also really awesome for Steemit as a whole because music transcends language and brings people together. Everyone loves some kind of music and thus with this international community there is great potential for exchange. 

Also many musicians have followers/fans and if Steemit becomes a place to help musicians succeed they will then start using Steemit and bringing all their fans as well!

So again a special thanks to @luzcypher for starting and hosting this for a whole year! Thats some commitment and consistency for sure!

Of course a SUPER thanks to @pfunk for sponsoring this all this time as we may not even have Open Mic without that. It is what provides the incentive to participate. I have known @pfunk for over a year here on Steemit and I believe he has a good grasp on whats beneficial for this community and deserves a serious witness consideration!

Also @verbal-d deserves a shout out as well for inspiring this contest and participating so many times. He is without a doubt one of the top musical icons here on Steemit bringing the raw creativity we love so much about music! 

Without further ado ∞§∞Didgeridoo Oasis∞§∞

Of course I am wearing my hand painted PINK Steemit hat which is one of MANY hand made Steemit items I have been making for over a year also. You can see lots of that gear in my previous posts or on PeerHub where I make them all available for Steem!

I also donate most of my creations to @gardenofeden and you can check out the Steemit Gear page their web site to order previous made or custom made items with $.

I love Steemit and promote and support it every day by posting to social media where thousands see I ONLY post on Steemit and by wearing my Steemit gear everywhere!

As always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!




So beautiful, grateful that you are sharing the didgeridoo even way out in nature!

Yes I love Steemit and Open mic!
I think about it every day and make sure to allocate some time to it regardless of where I am or what I am doing!

This is absolutely beautiful!! What a wonderful blessing <3

Bless it be~*~

So very, very cool, Quinn! You are one righteous dude, man! Just love your passion, dedication, and commitment to all that matters most to you - and I'm so glad that "Open Mic" is one of those things! I love this weeks one-year anniversary tribute by the waterfall!!! Thank you, Brother Quinn!

Thank you for the love and support! I appreciate it.
I am grateful to share sounds and vibes of benefit!
Thanks for checking it out and commenting.


Awesome location for it! Top didgeridoo'ing!

It really was!
Got some more cool posts from this awesome location coming up soon!

Rawk On!

Woot woot! Can't wait!!

Thanks for the encouragement and support!
I am pleased you appreciate my posts, or at least the potential of em ;-)>

I appreciate them millions! The potential too!

That sounds cool! Is it difficult to play the didgeridoo? Is that one very heavy?

The didgeridoo is unlike any other instrument. because of that it is hard to play. though l in all I find it to be very intuitive and nice to play. The trick is learning how to circle breathe. Thats the most difficult part and also what makes the didgeridoo magic!

What is circle breathing

circle breathing is where you breath out while breathing in so the breath pressure is constant.

Nice! I definitely love the creativity

I try and do something unique and creative every week.

very beautiful sound and congrats for 1 year anniversary of open mic contest you , and to the organiser @luzcypher and sponsor @pfunk you guys are awesome

Yes its a great project for Steemit!
Thanks for the support!

Dope Quin. Got recommended by the @gardenofeden Thought I'd come by and show some love.

@gardenofeden is doing truly profound work! Thanks for stopping by and sharing some love!

What an incredible setting! Great playing too @quinneaker. Beautiful!

Yes it was truly incredible!
Thanks for commenting.

interesting sound. I love the scenery. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.

Yes a spring fed waterfall. So beautiful! Had to record and share that one!

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