Open Mic Week 38: Didgeridoo Dream In a Sunflower Forest~*~

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

I am super stoked to be back on Steemit and participating in one of my favorite activities in this community: OPEN MIC!

I went out into my Sunflower Forest here in paradise @gardenofeden wearing one of my new Epic Steemit Gear Fashion Line pieces, which was a nice sunflower yellow!
How convenient ;-)>

Want to give a special thanks to @luzcypher for getting this going and sticking with it! It has been a huge success and helped a lot of Steemians make connections and have fun in a creative way! 

Also a special thanks to @papa-pepper and @verbal-d for being cool and making this a contest people want to get in because it's cool!

Last but not least, a super special thanks to @pfunk for sponsoring this event since the beginning and being a key part to the success of this. @pfunk has also supported many other projects and donated lots of $steem to individuals and projects so a big round of applause!

I hope you enjoy some didgeridoo dreamtime in the sunflower forest~*~ 

 If you want any Epic Steemit Fashion check out all the gear on PeerHub where u can get it for $steem or make a comment with what you want and I can do custom orders! All the gear is super sustianable, hand painted, one of a kind art! I will put links at end. 

Here is the link for the hand made didgeridoo that I played in this video. I made it by hollowing it out with fire and it is one of my favorite ones I ever made. 

Here is the link for the pure labradorite necklace I wore in the video, super sparkly in the light!

Here is the link for the hand made in the GOE survival 550lb test para cord bracelets! These are a truly must have, we make them in all colors and they could one day save your life while making you look good ;-)>

Here is the link for the hand painted yellow steemit cap! We have the most items available for $steem of anyone in the world!


Love it! Beautiful!

Thank you!
Happy to share the vibes~*~

For @Quinneaker - The Didgeridood!

Didging it up!

Haha... Brilliant!

I was stoked to get ur support @papa-pepper but to see @little-peppers vote was so cute and touching!

Glad to hear it! Thanks man.

just checked out the @little-peppers account! OMG so adorable. U guys are just such a great story, so grateful to see it here on steemit! I am going to be bringing the family posts soon hopefully, just need to find more time for Steemit.

Weldon bro, always following and enjoying your work. keep it coming and let the garden continue to flourish.

May it be so!

Is it me or does he look like tony stark? You tell me
quinneaker i believe you do

Hahahahaha well everyone has their own opinion!
I have been called worse hahaha

Nice you're making me want to go dust off my didgeridoo now!


Ohh!! This just made me miss one of my really good friends in Europe! He is quite good with the didgeridoo too! 2 more months before we are in Europe for a few weeks to meet up with family and friends :) Love those sunflowers btw!

So great to see you checking out the post and finding some enjoyment in it though it be bitter sweet =)>
Your trip sounds like it will be amazing, are you going to SteemFest this year?

I might try to stretch it a bit! It was a lot of fun last year! We have to be in Barcelona 3-5 oct... so that's still a month to go. But you never know.

Yea, well extra time in Europe sounds nice ;-)> also since ur a rockstar on Steemit u could just make an extra post or two to cover the extended costs!

Good to see you back

So great to be back!
Keep up the great work brother!

i like your video and enjoyed hearing about the community and people supporting open mic -- i am a musician and i have a few songs on itunes - i would like to start or participate in a songwriting contest on steemit - i followed you and upvoted too -David

That sounds like a great idea! I will follow you too and try and be in touch!

thanks - it good to connect with likeminded people - i don't have the confidence to preform live but i do write and play some great music - so open mic is a bit beyond me but i would like to share my music with those who might listen

I feel ya, whatever feels best for you, go with it!

LOL that was fun!, interesting instrument! :D

Yea hey?!?!

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