Voice of the Open-Mic... Tuesday's Gone... Tomorrow is another the day!

in #openmic7 years ago

So, it came to be such that Luczy and the "Steemit" powers that be so decided to call upon all us plebeians to put forth a testament as to why the "Open-Mic" has made a difference in our individual and collective lives. Wow! What a tall order to fill... Be that as it may, as much as I abhor such "collective" groupings, I nonetheless felt compelled to add my experience into the mix. For whatever it's worth - it is what it is - and it's all mine - and by extension, it's all yours too! Take from it what you will... Much love, from me to you - and thru all of eternity... Open-Mic RULES!


@passion-ground WOOOOOOOO love you to death my friend! fantastic words ! love your swag and all your mad talent.. will be following you and meno on this in my judges post this week... the luz bit cracked me up! hes fuckin luz man

Ha-ha! :-) Love U-2, girlfriend! Thank you so much... Can't wait to see yours!

I think it was Luz who said it best... your first handle is Passion, but the second one is ground for a reason.

Loved it brother, you bring a lot of passion to this contest, not only as a judge but as one of the most supportive passionate people to show up on anybody's comments.

And of course these thoughts were as grounded as it gets, they truly embody what it means to you and many of us to be part of this family.

Here is to the years to come!! Long live the open mic!

@passion-ground you bring so much heart to the Open Mic community and a hell of a lot of fun. So happy you're involved in this thing of ours and I raise my glass of wine to you in enduring gratitude for all you do for this community. Thanks for making this video.


Voices Of Open Mic --- by @luzcypher

Thank you, my brother! For without you there would be no Open-Mic - Period!. I know that @verbal-d was instrumental in bringing this all about, and for that, I tip my hat to him as well! You guys ROCK man - just keep doin' what you're doin'! Much Love, every which way from Sunday, brother!

This is beautiful!
And I loved it when you said, "Luzy! He's f#*king Luzy!" like a character from Goodfellas or something!

Open Mic does make a big difference in many people's lives! It's so clear to see.
And to be honest, it came to me at just the perfect time. Had I found this a few years ago whilst on the road touring I most likely wouldn't have 'got it' and really missed something beautiful and potentially revolutionary.
Divine timing, no doubt.

Thanks for doing what you do, bluesman!
(PS. You look great in red, buds!)

Thank you, my brother! Like they say, timing is everything... So glad you found this venue right when you wanted and needed to... :-)

of my favorite people in openmic. Thanks @ passion-ground for so much delivery. God bless your life and may your talents continue to be at your service :-) Greetings from Venezuela!

So nice of you to say... Thank you!

Get these cry-babies out-a-here! Love your clips of the legendary performances. Not much to change, indeed. It has been great seeing this contest develop.

Yes you are a true Voice of openmic!! You made me feel home here in an instant with your beautiful comments! So much warmth and empathy. I knew I was in the right space. Thank you for everything! <3

So sweet and kind of you to say, Melavie! Thank you so much! xxx

I appreciate the time and energy all the judges put into the openmic. I enjoy contributing and hearing other’s contributions. It’s awesome to hear your perspective on it. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, @proxytech! I really appreciate your sentiments, brother!

Ya man! You were a "judge" before you were a judge lol

Good call guys making these vids!

Ha-ha... It's sorta true though... Thanks, Jaybird!

Right on brother! I very much enjoy the openmic too although I don't particularly envy that much listening. I like my days a little quieter:)
Now having said that, you probably know that I do have a lot to say about music, entertainment, and the business of entertainment as they relate to current affairs on the earth especially within the context of a rapidly changing civilization and how things may play out here in the next 50 or so years.
Steemit could play a hugely positive role in that future but much of its current algorithms would need adjusting. It also needs to come out of Beta and I'm not thrilled that it hasn't done so yet and I believe that means the creators can pull the plug at any time.
There is also the issue of whether the creators sell it to Amazon in the coming decade ( sadly, my likeliest​ prediction given past behavior of the capitalist class). And yes, I'd love to be wrong about that ...
Anyway, carry on my wayward son:) Any Kansas in your future?

I hear ya, brother! One other thing the Open-Mic empowered me with was the ability to claw my way back out of the rabbit hole that I dug for myself over the course of more than a decade. Yep, that rabbit hole is still there, and deeper than ever. I'm really glad I spent so much time in the depths of it. It's in my back pocket as it were, and I'm glad its there.

However, I'm also very grateful that all of the negative elements that thrive and dwell amid the rabbit hole are no longer front and center in my day-to-day thoughts and existence. The Open-Mic has allowed me to breathe clean air again, and it has turned my extremely negative view of humanity to one that is far more promising. It's definitely a better place to be than where I was.

PS... I love "Kansas, man!" :-)

Hallelujah passion-ground! Perhaps there is a mission from God here but I first and foremost am a skeptic.
Now please take this next comment with the humorous quality that is intended:) About 6-years after the beginning of my quest into the nature of reality (about '85) I came to realize that all religion was pretty much bullshit! At that point, I decided to become a witness or chronicler of religion. This led me into the field of subjectivity and phenomenology not dissimilar to the great William James. My favorite aspect of this part of my quest is soteriology and I've been fascinated with the myriad and endless stories of personal religious salvation and conversion especially as they relate to eschatology. Like John Mack within the study of ufology, I've come to conclude that these experiences are very much real and often profound. Of course, as a skeptic and pragmatist, I also have to distinguish between subjectivity and objectivity and for reasons I'm sure you would understand I lean heavily towards the objective camp notwithstanding my holding of subjectivity in high esteem. Now sure, even as a theist via entheogens I still frame my Christian Gnosticism within metaphysical speculation and I've even been willing to classify myself as an Agnostic Gnostic, the point being is that to avoid hypocrisy I've done my best to shine various lights into my own psyche and motivations.
Okay, that humor dispensed with I still remain highly skeptical of the blogging​ platform Steemit.com but still very much enjoy the openmic and respect how much work this is for you folks and hope you're being fairly compensated for your efforts. But until I see substantial answers to my legitimate queries​ about steemit.com I will continue on with my pragmatic skeptical relationship with it. Cheers!

A measured dose of healthy skepticism is always a good thing. For example, I for one remain quite skeptical that I will ever be able to turn any of the Steem I've accrued into spendable currency. Ha-ha!

Be that as it may, such skepticism does not get in the way of me enjoying the people and the music this platform has thus far rendered into my little-twisted corner of reality. But yeah, the accrual of perceived values does play a psychological role, and quite often, in a rather negative envy-inducing manner. How's that for a bit of humor? :-)

Life guarantees each of us a plentiful dose of various crosses to bear, some of which are rather malevolent, and obviously, the ultimate cross which each of us must bear comes at the hour of our deaths.

As such, I suspect that any pragmatic intelligent being would attempt to fashion their journey in such a way to foster the grace and wisdom to cope with such crosses in the most effective and enlightened ways possible, using every ounce of profound intellect and spirituality one could possibly manifest so as to reach such heights.

Being at general peace right up until one's last breaths is a monumental task few are able to achieve. For most, such concepts alone are insurmountable nevermind the actual attainment of such an elevated state. I'm still workin' on it, man - It's on my bucket list! :-)

Hungry minds are never fed, brother... Take a chance! Much love, bro!

Steemit is acting goofy today:( And yeah, I sure ain't here for the dough:D Anyway, yeah, coincidentally I posted a link in my openmic post for this week that is a running algorithm of the cosmic death machine that is life on this planet. 2-people per second kicking the bucket, but even so life and birth are still exceeding the death rate which is going to make conditions on this planet exceedingly troublesome in the coming century.
Yes, cultivating the spirit of equanimity should be one of the primary focus' of any spiritual practice.
Earth Wind and Fire was my first foray into funk back in '74! It was pretty easy to make the transition​ to The Crusaders by '78.

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