Steemit OpenMic Week 83 @paintingangels Original Song - Carnival Lights Down

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Unfinished and mistakes everywhere, and also I do not speak well to people so why I tried to explain the meaning is beyond me.

HOWEVER, I promised myself I would enter this week because my daughter asked me not to chicken out. (Conversation.. "Mom did you enter open mic yet this week?" "No." "You promised you would enter." "Okay.")
(In 12 years since she's been born I have never broken a promise to my Emma. Will not start now.)

Hope I got it in in time. Thanks to all who make this contest possible. I love you even though you don't know me. If you're reading this at all, I love you. Apologies I didn't record it over again till it was better, but I have to go pick up my daughter from school and do not have time.

Please dont upvote this entry.. give your vote to someone who really put their all into it.

Edit: I have deleted some of my negative words from a couple hours ago when i was frustrated.

Love, Serena

Lyrics, in case you can't understand me.

I've never been this dark before
Stark-raving crazy
face-up on the floor
angry am I for losing my place
3 feet down with a smile on my face

Your head's in a cloud
my feet are in mud
Carnival lights define where next you will run

And though I'm a mess
I shall clearly confess
I wait for you to run to my house of fun.

Give me a dance, you rodeo clown
Ride up and save me
before I sink down

I dreamed about you and a big red balloon
We rode to the sea
and you hummed me a tune
then we howled at the moon.

Sometimes it feels like this a test
Are we gonna pass
God, I've done my best.

The face on the wall, she sings me a song.
La dee dah dee dah, the time has almost come.

Give me a dance, you rodeo clown.
Ride up and save me before I sink down.
I dreamed about you and a big red balloon

Let's ride to the sea and I'll hum you a tune
then we'll howl at the moon.


Please dont upvote this entry

haha voted . ; )

Serenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Don't be like that... heh ;p I know you know it is good. Even with that ending.. It doesn't matter... It is good because your heart is there. Thanks to your daughter that made you do it. now I'm curious. Does she play music too? :)

She does play music, guitar and piano and she sings, and she's also in her school band in the percussion section playing drums and xylophone and mandala. But she's shy like me. lol. And thank you, hector, that is so kind of you.

The song is beautiful, the lyrics are beautiful, the performance is heartfelt... I love your lips and shirt in red, you look pretty... I got hooked right away and in fact I harmonized on the first listening to the chorus (be warned). Upvoted, sorry... I understand though because I am so unsure most of the time myself... this is beautiful. Candle for you...

I would upvote this twice if I could. ;)
Don't be so hard on yourself. Your music is a certain kind of magic.

This song is BEAUTIFUL. And the lyrics are soooo moving. I would get any and all of them all tattooed on me. Thank you for sharing this <3

I simply gotta updoot this, it's wonderfully unfinished!

Sorry for upvoting! ;) I played it first and then read your text... but it is just a beautiful song, so please don't hold it against me! Maybe you can also add the lyrics if you find the time? Cheers!

added : ) and thank you.. i dont know if i told you how much i loved your entry yet.. been a crazy week i've missed out being more active in the community..... anyway thank you for your kindness. ♥ Much appreciated.

Serena. This may be the best unfinished song I have ever heard. I really love this. It's like you took a page from where my heart is right now and made it real and out there in the world. Thank you. Your gift is amazing, and I am so thankful that I get to be able to hear your music. I love this.

Dino, you are the sweetest friend. Hard to believe it's been nearly 20 years. I could stand in my video and just throw dirt on the ground and you'd still be praising it. But you know it's vice versa, too. Luvs. ♥

Well.. sorry, not sorry for upvoting... its a lovely song!!! any complains take it up with my manager @pechichemena

aww meno. i didn't tag anybody on purpose.. lol. you're very kind, thank you, mister.

I ♥ This Girl!! I have been 'left behind' for nearly FIFTY years - finally gave up ten years ago for loneliness sigh
¸.•°”˜˜”°•.✫ B★E★A★U★T★I★F★U★L ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•.

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