Steemit Open Mic Week 81 "Left Alone" Original song by @paintingangels

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

I went spontaneous and recorded an open mic entry. It's recorded from my phone this time, so I don't know if it's better or worse quality than my first 2 entries, which were done on my webcam. You probably have to turn it up a little or listen with headphones.

If you can pretend that I did NOT sound like Porky Pig in my intro, that would be GREAT!

You can read the lyrics below while you LISTEN instead of WATCHING, if you'd like. That is my recommendation. I had been working in my flower beds and doing yard work and was a mess. Who comes back all a mess from doing wildly messy stuff and then sits down and decides to record a video to put on the internet? That would be me.

Well. What to say? This song is about trying to escape thoughts of war in an extraordinarily violent world.

I wrote this in 2001 after the American terror attacks, after the twin towers fell and the world all around us seemed to fall down with them. I was afraid of planes crashing through my roof.

Living so near to the international airport in Nashville and a military airport even closer than that was not easy, It was suddenly a legit possibility for airplanes to be used as weapons.

I honestly don't know how people in places like Syria or Darfur can ever get any rest at all. My eyes would never shut.

The thought of war terrifies me. I mean, I come from a long line of Cherokee warriors, 100% badasses. I used to hate my large Cherokee nose and wish for one like Katie Holmes', but now I embrace it, it's who I am.. if people don't enjoy it, it's their issue instead of mine.

Back to warriors.. My 6th great grandfather (Chief Doublehead Tal-tsu'tsa) would sometimes be found boiling and eating the scalps of his enemies, usually white settlers.. (he was later murdered by his own tribe for being a bit of a jerk) but that doesn't mean that I'm ready to go to battle in a hot minute myself. I don't want to boil scalps, nor have mine boiled. I'd rather just sing, thank you.

I guess I'll just let you stop reading now because I never intended to say this much, and certainly didn't meant to bring spiteful scalp consumption into the conversation, and so now I'm worried about where I may wander off too next. So that's enough describing.

The lyrics below are posted in case you are like 100 percent of the rest of the world and can't understand everything I'm saying. Curse of a Southern woman.

Tennessee will wreak havoc on anyone's diction, but I especially have been beaten to the bone with the unintelligable drawl stick.

Left Alone

I don't really care about your business
I don't want to hear about your sorrows
I just want to savor my cup of coffee
I just want to be left alone

The kids today are talking about war
I don't really have much to say
But I don't want my sister
dying in the streets
Why won't they leave us alone?

Why won't they leave us alone?

Here I go about my business
I'm pulling my shades down tight
I don't want to feel
the storm clouds today

Why won't they leave us alone?
Why won't they leve us alone?

Just a little peace today
Just a little peace today
Just a little peace today

is all I want.

© serena matthews


I would like to say that I'm aware of the untidiness of the pillows on my couch. My husband is pillow racist, will not share space with them, and so we have piles of pillows usually stacked up on one side of the couch. I rescue them every day, but everyday they're segregated again from the rest of the couch. Oppressed pillows are a thing here.

Also, please do check out @luzcypher and @pfunk's steemit pages and support ALL of the open mic judges! Upvote their posts and resteem, because they do SO much and are never rewarded enough for it as they should be!

They don't have to take time out of their (many) busy days to listen to hundreds of songs and then contemplate the beauty or lifelessness of them, but they do it every week. How amazing is that?

Show some L♥VE!






I'm a proud helpinaut!

Visit @helpie to find out what that means!


Great message and performance to match! Nice!

Thank you so much! ❤️

such a fan dear, very nice performance. I love the sound of your voice and your original lyrics are wonderful. I really feel the emotion and it grabs hell outta me

Oh my goodness...I love this Serena. Also...Phhhssshhh porky pig, yeah right...more like an angel 😉. husband is a pillow racist... I died😂

Yes! Pillow lives matter, Justine. We can liberate them together!!
Thank you, girlie for the sweet comment 💕🍪💕

Bloody brilliant Serena! Love your voice! So refreshing and different!

Thanks, Darren, you are too sweet! And where is your entry this week? I've been watching. ;)

Ah! Serena!!!!!!! I love it! Both the song, the performance, your voice, your lyrics and what you've written about here. (I know I said 'both', but then rattled off a bunch of things I loved about this)
Look, whilst what your 6th great grandfather did sounds nefarious (& not something we condone because gifting cookies is a far better way to negotiate), I can understand what would drive an indigenous person to do that to the white invaders during that time. He must've witnessed and experienced horrid atrocities which sent him over the edge. My Aboriginal step-father comes from a couple of tribes, one of those tribes were the first to retaliate against the brutal white invaders and win, but the win was only shortly felt as they were butchered and enslaved like the rest of the Aboriginal nations in Australia.
Fascinating that you can delve that far back in your bloodlines. Makes me want to see if it's possible to dig further back in my own.

Turn off your News as it will only make you feel yuck and create fear by telling you about horid things that you have no direct control over. Instead, you just keep being the kind angel that you are and the world will vibrate at that level with you.

Anyway, I loved the song! @paintingangels

Omg I thought I replied to you already, Nathan. I think our entries could be brothers this week..or brother sister.. Ive had my tv off a long time now and you are so right, it definitely helps. ❤️ Thank you for listening and taking time to comment as well. Means a lot! ❤️-serena ✌️🦋

Awesome composition.. I particularly liked the mood and your line "I don't want to see my sister die in the street" That is some great composition skills on display, and great delivery.

@gibber Thank you for the kind comments about my song, I really appreciate it! That line is heartfelt, as I do have a little sister and am very protective of her! ❤️ I love that you picked that part to mention. Many thanks again!

Ooh, that was lovely!
This the first open mic of yours that I've seen so it was a treat for me! :-)
There's a lot of meaning in that song, I can certainly relate to it.

One of my favorites. I think I like this version even better than the recording! Gave me chills ❤️

Thanks so much, my brother! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Can't wait till you're here more often but I know how family and work priorities dominate. Steemit sure loves ya! Saw you got curied again!! Congrats!!

Awww I love your voice so much, so particular and rich :) and hahaha I feel always super shy speaking at the beginning myself hahhaa :) and you do not sound like a Porky Pig ever ... XD so had to mention tha. It´s also so sweet to see your face, loved when you looked straight to the camera. Wishing you all the very best :*

Thanks @yidneth Priscilla! You are sweet to say I don't sound like Porky, but I believe I pretty much nailed the impression! Ha ha!

I made a purposeful effort to look at the camera (phone) so as not to seem so uncomfortable and distant. Felt a bit silly. But I just pretended I was looking at you and our other helpie friends and nice people out there on steemit.

It's not as scary anymore, realizing now how friendly the environment is here. Not as many monsters in the closets out there now! lol. Anyway thanks, sister.
Much love! ❤️🍪

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