Steemit Openmic Week 69: Original Song - "Faust's Wager"

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Steemit Open Mic Week 69: Original Song "Faust's Wager"

Got a lot of love last week for my song. Really makes me feel good to hear feedback and that people can enjoy something I created. However this week is a bit sadder for me. Me and my roommate got into a pretty bad fight after he spit on me and he ripped out a lot of my hair during it. Just goes to show violence isn't the answer eh? I'm pretty devastated but the show goes on right...ciao


Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Premier CC

Wacom Intuos
Focusrite 2i
MXL Condenser Microphone

Squier Telecaster
DL4 Delay Modeler
Joyo Vintage Overdrive


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Hey @orrslaw, I am glad is stumbled across your posting. Your music is beautiful. You sing from the heart and it shows. Sorry that happened with your roommate though. I hope you are able to heal that wound.

Great voice, hope to see your content on APPICS soon as well!

I have a new tag for music lovers: Boombox, where I resteem up 2 five tunes a day!! Don't miss out.

Wink, wink.. ;) - ;)... Sorry about the drama with your roomie, bro - but this song is bitchin'! Really nice, brother!

Beautiful voice and writing @orrslaw! "You phased out your feelings...." great lyrics, esp. with the title. Definitely going to stay tuned to hear more. Following :)

Thanks for the kind words and checking out my stuff this week. You're all golden <3

You are incredible! I want a full album so I can play it over and over. If this exists link me. you are tops. another great song.. your voice is fantastic.

Great performance @orrslaw,
My sentiments are the same as @soundlegion's
You made it in my top Judging List For Week 69
Check and read the full review here:

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