Open Mic Week 84 - "Every Second Counts" (Original Song)

in #openmic6 years ago

Hello Fellow Steemians and Open Mic Lovers!

Today I decided to make my Open Mic performance outdoor because I have never done it before and I think the video looks a lot better than the indoor ones.

I wrote this guitar part yesterday and I decided to share it immediately:

  1. I will never forget it

  2. It is one of my favourites in weeks

Enjoy listening to this guitar piece with some tasty improvised licks to make it more interesting:

I am currently in the middle of writing my 1st solo album without any rush. I have as much time as I need and I can play whatever genre I want. It is going to be a guitar album but I will invite some of my friends to record some other instruments like drums, bass, synths, and maybe I will add some vocals too.

Let me know what you feel about this riff and please put your volume up because I recorded it on my cell phone and I was pretty away while doing it so the sound is really quiet. Just put your volume up and you will hear it without any problems. I listen to it on both my phone and my tv speakers.

Peace and Love, JL ;)



I love your sound and the video as well. Nice guitar technique and also the chirping birds added a more natural feel to the sound.

Thanks for your comment @papaudeme.
I enjoyed making this video and I am glad that someone stopped by and actually listened to the music! 👊

Nice playing, and I enjoy the nature scene you've found here. The singing birds seem to be welcoming you and your guitar.

Thanks @cabelindsay . Yeah, birds love it when I play for them 😉

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