---- STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 88 - Cope Cover – Colin Hay – Waiting for my real life to begin ----

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Steemit Open Mic Week 88 - Cope Cover – Colin Hay – Waiting for my real life to begin

Hey guys, this is my first open mic entry and it seems as though I have chosen the right time as my favourite number is 8 and this week has two of them as its week 88 of steemit open mic :) coincidence? synchronicity? Or something else? you decide ;P

As I have discussed with many musos on the platform, for me and many others, songs tend to have a particular meaning, a reason why they resonate with us, be it lyrics, the feeling from the track, the vibrational frequencies affecting our molecular structure 😉 and much more. I love hearing the story of what songs mean to people regardless if it’s a cover or an original. The following story is my connection to the song im playing and what it means to me. Much love in all your directions and thank you for taking the time to read my story and listen to the track.

I have chosen to submit a cover of “Colin Hay – Waiting for my real life to begin” as it has a special place I my heart and life. My grandfather was a brilliant musician and was quite famous in Argentina for his music, but he left it all behind to come to Australia for the benefit of his family of four children and his wife.

In a foreign land and with language being a barrier he found himself in mostly laboring roles, but he maintained his passion for music. In Australia the music created would be classified as niche, however, he would still practice frequently and have jam sessions whenever possible, be it at functions, at family BBQ’s (Argentinian asado), or just on his own when he felt the calling.

My grandfather was old school, in the early years here he would be described as a hard man, firm, stubborn among other words depending who you asked. This caused some conflict within the family at times, but like all of us he was doing the best he could to get through this madness we call life and we all have our flaws.

However, over time there was great change from the man he was and the man he became. My grandfather became affectionate, compassionate, understanding, he gravitated towards empathy, altruism, and love. He was always happy and cheerful, he displayed emotion freely and enjoyed seeing those around him happy. I genuinely believe that we all deserve the chance for redemption, to right the wrongs we have done… and this I believe he truly achieved.

I never really got a chance to perform for my grandfather, I was far too timid with a guitar during that era, I wasn’t even really singing and playing at the same time in public, on my own yes, but I just never felt good enough to play for anyone, let alone in front of a musician. But we would sit out the back and I would watch him play, maybe have a few light strums and give the guitar back. He would always encourage me and show me some of the things he was working on.

When my grandfather passed away it was hard on the family, we each dealt with it in our own way. It was my grandfather’s wish to be reunited with my grandmother who had passed away years earlier, that their cremated ashes be set to sea, this was also the wish of my grandmother.

Three months later after my grandfather had passed away, my family had decided it was time for my grandparents wishes to be honored. There was a beach that we all used to go to regularly as a family, we would go here particularly on Boxing Day with all the leftovers from our Christmas and just have a fun day out… this was our families happy place.

The family came together and we made a trip out to that beach, we made our way to the far end where the large rocks jarred out of the sand and sea, the cliff face of the coast towered over us and snaked its way into the distance. Here we expressed our emotions and said our final goodbyes, when we were all ready we prepared to let them go.

With the roar of the ocean waves crashing on the shore, my grandparents were laid to rest together at one of their favorite places and as this happened we, the family, played songs on my grandfather’s guitar, this is where I first performed “Colin Hay’s - Waiting for my real life to begin” openly and this is why it means so much to me…

if you would like to vote for my entry please click the link HERE for steemit open mic week 88 post, then scroll down to the comments section, find my comment featuring the video above and upvote it. much love and thank you in advance :)

Colin Hay - Waiting for my real life to begin

Any minute now, my ship is coming in
I'll keep checking the horizon
I'll stand on the bow, feel the waves come crashing
Come crashing down, down, down, on me

And you say, be still my love
Open up your heart
Let the light shine in
Don't you understand
I already have a plan
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

When I awoke today, suddenly nothing happened
But in my dreams, I slew the dragon
And down this beaten path, up this cobbled lane
I'm walking in my old footsteps, once again

And you say, just be here now
Forget about the past, your mask is wearing thin
Just let me throw one more dice
I know that I can win
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

Any minute now, my ship is coming in
I'll keep checking the horizon
And I'll check my machine, there's sure to be that call
It's gonna happen soon, soon, oh so very soon
It's just that times are lean

And you say, be still my love
Open up your heart, let the light shine in
Don't you understand
I already have a plan
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

On a clear day, I can see, see for a long way
On a clear day, I can see, see for a long way


Oh wow! David! This is truly beautiful!
Firstly, your backstory is touching and really brings us, the audience in. It's so well written.
Now, your singing is so friggin awesome!
Those beautiful falsetto notes too! Spot on!
Love it!
And it's a beautiful song that I hadn't heard before!

I just had an idea. You should get a set of songs together, include some of the songs your grandpa is known for and head back to Argentina (crash at @pechichemena's place) and do a tour there.
Not only are you good enough to do it, your grandpa's fans would so love it!
You'd be an Argentinian star!
Anyway, this is fantastic work!
So awesome to hear this side of you @mfxae86...
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

Thanks heaps for th elove and support @nathankaye , Yeah like i said i love the connection we make with music and how personal it can be for us all so i hope to be able to express what a song means to me as i present the tracks, be they covers or originals :)

The falsetto stuff was hard as it was a late night and had a hard time trying to ht the note and not be too loud.... trying not to upset the neighbors.

Its a nice idea but I will have to see how my physical condition goes, right now im struggling to get into the city (1-2hrs away) for appointments without suffering some adverse effects. but maybe as i get in best daft punk impression Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger , i will be able to start getting about a bit more :)

much love mang :)

I must agree with Nathan , this was beautiful! Loved the performance! You have some skills!

If you ever decide to come over here.. please , be my guest ! You are more than welcome to record at my studio ;) ! Just bring some Vegemite for once and for all!

What was your grandfather's name?

What Nathan and Pechiche said... Welcome, brother! This is an awesome entry! Loved it, man!

thanks for the warm welcome and kind words @passion-ground its feeling pretty good to finally be among the muso ranks officially :)

Thanks for the kind words @pechichemena much love for the love you are giving, but you know i love you mang :)

oh im not the one who will give you Vegemite , im not a fan at all and would not do that to you, its very much an acquired taste ;)

i will DM you bout my grandfather

much love mate


much love and thanks for reading my article and listening to my music :)

Your story and song brought me to moved me to tears... thanks for sharing 💜💜💜

thanks for the love and support :)

That was pretty awesome!

thanks , much love in your direction :)

Beautiful song, and a great story to go with it! Great job, dude!

Hugs !!!! Thanks heaps for checking it out, much love :)

Very beautiful song sir
Thank you for sharing post

thanks mate :)

Sounds really good.

Next time please follow the rules and say your username at the start of your video. Thank you

Hey @luzcypher , im sorry i thought saying "im Cope" was what you were after because my account is labeled "Cope (mfxae86)", but the name mfxae86 is kind of a mistake that stuck, but that is another story, lolz. i have modified the video to state "mfxae86" in addition to my name.... feels weird though, lol. Anyway i hope that my entry is now valid with these changes made, much love.

I love this song so much — you’ve done such a spectacular job owning it. Your conveyance of its emotional depth makes it sound and feel as though the lyrics originated on your tongue — that the not so subtle longing for more is a feeling you know well. As they say...you’ve truly ‘made it your own’. 🌺 I’m also shocked that this is only your first time entering! Cope!! Where’ve you been hiding?! We need more of that voice in our ears. Please. You’ve hit me right in the feels. 😘🌿🦋

HUGS ZIPPY !!!!! thanks you so much for checking it out and you kind words. I find that my performances are heavily influenced by emotional connection to the songs, this can also mean im influenced by the emotion i have at the time as well, this is something im dealing with far more frequently when trying to perform now.

yeah it has taken me a while to come around to making my entry for my first open mic, this is due to a number of things , from digging out my equipment, motivation, learning new software to record and cut video etc. I haven't really been into music for almost a decade, so im a bit rusty.... but im getting there :)

Much love and super big hugs in your direction :)


thanks for the cuddle @cuddlekitten much love

Beat of luck, would love to hear something without music. Maybe next time?

Im pretty sure i have to be playing an instrument to be eligible for open mic, but i have done a few songs on the radio acapella , maybe the clown recorded it.... coz he sneaky like that ;)

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