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RE: ---- Steemit Open Mic Week 97 – Cope Cover – Audioslave – I Am The Highway ----

in #openmic6 years ago

@nathankaye Thanks for the hella kudos mang!!! yeah i have been working on being able to push my vocals to get there, Chris Cornell had a funky way of singing, using lots of little things that are simple enough to do on their own but then combining them makes it so hard, for me at least, to replicate how he sings. but that is what makes it so satisfying when you manage to pull it off :)

I admit it took me a long while to figure out some of the tricks of being able do what he did, hella respect. That is why i wanted to minimize the guitar and focus on the vocals a bit more, we were saying when we met up though.... im listening to it and picking all the bits in it that are mistakes and having a little cringe at it, lolz. but we are our own worst critics :) all good though cause even them lil mistakes are part of me and who i am , so i gotsta own it.

much love in your direction mate :)


Most of the time what we perceive as mistakes or flaws in our own performance or abilities aren’t really mistakes, but rather flaws in our own self-perception.
That being said, as long as the mistakes you hear/see are not used as ammunition to bring yourself down, they can be great fodder for self-improvement if, as you say, you own it work on it.
Anyway, you know all this.
Personally, I think it’s the so-called mistakes and flaws that give you/things their unique character and reflect an imprint of who we truly are; imperfect, flawed beings journeying on our path towards a state of perfection that already exists within us, flaws and all.

Anyway, what I heard you do was awesome!
Loved it!

yeah , you get it ;) much love mang :)

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