Voices of the Open Mic @meno - My thoughts on the Open Mic Contest

in #openmic6 years ago

Just yesterday @luzcypher made a post asking for our thoughts on the open mic community. A someone who has been participating for almost half a year, I have many things to share, and this is my short video on the subject matter.

I invite you to join us on too, get that cell phone out of your pocket one more time today and record a video of what the #openmic means to you.

A special shout out to my Steemian family... I love you all

▶️ DTube

@meno, you truly embody the essence of the spirit that Open Mic was created with. It truly is a community of musicians on Steemit and it is spreading around the world. Let's spread your on=point message with it.

Thanks, @meno for speaking from your heart. Love you brother.

Love you too brother!! thank you for being you

Ha meno i just wrote that reply now and realized I wrote the same exact thing to you an hour ago. Thank you all for being you. This is a space of wonders and miracles.

you are such a blessing. you warm my heart so much and put such a huge smile on my face. I have grown so fond of the sound of your voice these past months. You are encouraging and supportive and have sucha great energy glowing off of you... You def found your home my friend, its a great family here. love to you so much thanks for sharing your thoughts and jumping in on luzcyphers call out and I will be following you on this in my openmic post.

Fantastic words my friend! I think you speak for us all collectively here, with your views of the Openmic family.
I do actually feel part of a family or huge band with that, togetherness, the safe, warm sense of belonging and the nurturing nature that us musicians and music fans create, is indeed, magical.
I'm so glad I found you all
You're great!
Kindest as always

I'm happy you are here too my talented brother!

Well said my friend.

The buckster is here!!! hahahahha I'm sure you and the chach can chime in on this one too.... you know this week you guys left a lot of chach wanting msp residents without some chach....

Im sure you got the complaints already...

Beautifully said, my brother! My story is rather similar to yours my good friend!

Btw bro... I probably haven't told you this, but it was you the first person to show up in my comments with a super supportive and embracing virtual hug... I don't know if I ever properly thanked you...

thank you man...

Wow... I didn't know that... That's special, man. Much love, brother!

@meno you really are my brother from another mother man!!!! what you have said here is very much in line what i have said in a recent article about my music and i honestly feel that my story parallels yours in its essence even thought the details may differ.

The greatest gift we receive from being part of steemit is the friendships we make and bonds we create. The truth is in this day and age we are not starved for options we are starved for connection, steemit bridges that gap by allowing us to connect with other like minded people from around the world in many ways, from sharing thoughts and opinions to art and music etc.

What you have said here embodies that message from beginning to end, good work and keep it up, much love in your direction.

Hey Cope... well i think we kind of recognized this in each other, and thats why we have become buds bro...

See on the waves


Steem on :D

so glad you decided to stay! This is such an amazing community :D so glad that you are now sharing your music again and that you're not feeling as depressed anymore :) x

this is a special community! I'm super glad you found it... loved your entry this week btw! you have a beautiful voice!

Thank you @meno :) glad you liked it <3

Oh yeah, I've benefited immensely on the openmic , improving my voice and guitar playing

Oh @meno, I can so relate to everything you’ve said and I’ve only just dipped my toes into the Open Mic’s waters... I can see the potential of this thing transforming my life ... I’ll be sharing my experience soon, I’m sure ;) Glad to have found you and the community! Much love ❤️

I'm stoked you are here @petrajordan I'm looking forward to listening to your music for months and months to come.


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