Open Mic Week 62 Cover of Tiamat's "Phantasma De Luxe"

in #openmic7 years ago

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Greetings Steemians

Here's another Tiamat cover for your listening pleasure. It is one of my favorites off one of my favorite albums "A Deeper Kind Of Slumber". It was a really great album to get high as hell before listening to, something which I still do all these years later. 


 This dole crowner gallows me
As this mere welkin hallowed be
Whereupon I trick and train and tire
To limn my umbered love in fire
Before this noble mare bewrays
As I clearly see it decays
In debile coil of smoke suspires

May our last orison quickens as we
Are drumbling near this poize of free
Quell me maculate slowly dyer
Case my remains with sharpened brier
Atone me to my throes curtail
To dim and dire fields I vail
And my eale's but a slumbering lier

Then so lingered here but none
To buckle back what had begun
In molten aeons caged desire
Dared phantasma us much higher
Ceased to milch the clover flower
Neither raindrops nor my lover
Shall restore what has been done
When we're all keeled in freezing sun 

Here's a list of word meanings to aid in understanding the lyrics

 dole = one's fate or destiny

 limn = to portray, to illuminate 

umbered = a shade, a ghost, a shadow 

mare = nightmare 

welkin = the sky, the vault of heaven 

bewray = to reveal or expose, to betray 

debile = weak 

orison = prayer, incantation, oration 

suspires = breathes poise = to weigh or measure 

dire = fearful, desperate 

eale = ale (a drink) 

keeled = to turn over so that the wrong side is uppermost, to upset, colloquialy: to be dead. 

A big shout out to our host @luzcypher 

sponsor @pfunk

judges @soundlegion @krystle @verbal-d @passion-ground

All of your work and commitment allows us this venue to play at every week... Thank you

@isaria for hosting a radio show for steemit musicians. I keep trying in my half ass way to catch this show, hopefully I can this evening.

I hope you all enjoyed!



Always great to watch you play Lk <3 I liked the solo, and that you always introduce me to new music!

Thank you Lyndsay, I'm glad you liked it!
I'm also very happy to spread the word of Tiamat LOL

Another great cover!
Another cool song that I did not know.
Thank you for sharing!

Thank you Don!

It was cool seeing you on the radio show tonight.


Thanks man, I thoroughly enjoyed the show.

It was so great brother, \m/ great performance!
"Shall restore what has been done
When we're all keeled in freezing sun "
I loved these parts.

Thank you very much brother

Didn't know about this band , i'll surely check it out some more , some cool chill song you played there. :) Im always up for a cool Rock Ballad. Cheers!

What guitar are you using by the way? It's got some nice attack to its sound .

Thanks man!
It's a Breedlove Atlas Series

Nice , sounds really nice , I only have a black cheap epiphone ,that I love btw , the one I have in all my videos , I have played it so long it's hard to find something else :p. But someday i'll do an upgrade, i will check this Breedlove brand :)

Congratulations @lk666 you have WON...

a world class mention by master post finder Albertus de Saad. Currently using the steemit account @steph4nus. Find your mention by clicking here.

Calling !originalworks please

Thank you very much \m/

i absolutely count on you my friend each week, i need my @IK666 fix. its the tone of your voice it just sticks me with me i feel it so much.. love as always massive fan of your sound art. btw I have reopened up submissions for last few days here for Steemit artists music comp. I would love to get another origianl song submit from you, few days left. I am having a wee struggle getting a good set together for this volume 3. You wanna hit me an mp3 anything original i can promote for you on this next volume

I just sent the track

Thank you very much @soundlegion!
I will make a submission. I think a song I recently finished recording might fit the bill :)
Thank you again!

i liked it very much.thanks for the post.

😍A very informative post. Great job. Keep it up! 😍
OpenMusic Steemit Kiss.gif


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