OpenMic Week 10 - jaybird - Original Song Demo "Headlights"

in #openmic8 years ago

open mic week 10.png

Hey guys,
Didn't feel I had anything worth while to submit for the last few weeks, so here is something that I've been working on which i think has some potential. It's not quite finished, but developed enough to show you more or less what the song is.

Headlights - Jay Sussman - Dec 6 2016 (Original Song Demo)

Jaybird ~


This was really good. This original ? holy shit.

Thanks! Yeah it's Original. Trying to pump one out each week for this. Ideally..

Great job man! I'm thoroughly impressed.

Thanks! Trying to do a new one for every openmic, but was kinda blocked for a few weeks.

Oh this is good. Really good! (I'm listening right now) This is the kind of song you listen to a few times and you're singing along, the music community is really coming out! My brother is a musician who I am encouraging to get on here. I've been throwing videos of him up here and there on my blog. For him I find myself with a vested interest in promoting you guys, haha! So this weekend, since it's the 10th contest, which personally I think should be made a bigger deal of, (you know those milestone numbers) my posts will be aimed at the contest and encouraging the community to check out the musicians. I'm still too new to have a significant influence, but I've made a few influential friends I'm recruiting. So make music this weekend, and good luck on the contest! Great song!

Haha, thanks! Appreciate the comments greatly. Ya the only reason I've uploaded these videos has been for this community/contest. I never would have started releasing them..

Your Bro sounds good btw. Just checking out some vids. Super sexy low voice haha.

I know you said it was unfinished, that only makes it more impressive :) He does sound good, I hope to get him here soon, it's a good time for him to start. All of you early...birds ha! will be kings in another year.

Nice song, the way you implement your emotion with your catchy melodies really makes your overall concept enjoyable and easy to tune in. Upvoted and best of luck on wk 10. Hope to see you again next week.

Thanks Brotha, been enjoying what you've been pumping out too.

You're most welcome, I had this gut feeling your song was melodious enough to win this week's contest, keep up the fresh ideas bro, looking forward to more of your originals when you have time, would love to have recorded versions of your songs whenever you got a chance to produce a full project album, honest!

Haha, that's very motivating. I really hope to make a proper record. Probably in the summertime I will. Once I've amassed like 15-20 of these badguys I'll pick around 10 and make a proper recording.

Oh exciting stuff, I'm currently also working on my EP, only 6 tracks but solid. Plz keep us updated on your plans, you have fans, including fellow musicians such as myself. Thanks in advance, we have so much more inspiration to share with every unshared song, even the unwritten and thought of ones waiting to be sparked to life!

Ya sometimes 6 solid tracks are a better focus than say 10 or 20 okay ones. And Likewise, keep me posted too.

Congratulations!! That's awesome! And you were worried about it being unfinished, look at you ;)

ha thanks. All these tunes are more or less first draft demos. But usually I have a bit more time to polish them before I show em.

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