Steemit open mic week 106 - Jared Khamanah - Vivo en un barrio | Original Song (Hiphop-reggaestyle) (electric guitar solo)

in #openmic6 years ago

Una de las mejores composiciones de mi vida, esta canción esta cargada de realidad, sentimiento, flow, música y magia.

Realmente siento que estoy cumpliendo mis expectativas poco a poco y no hablo de expectativas musicales, hablo de lo que quiero aportar como ser humano al mundo a traves de mis letras y aprovecho este talento para hacerlo, la semana que viene tendré la oportunidad de cantar nuevamente en un sitio muy prestigioso de mi ciudad y cantare esta canción, porque mi deseo es llevarle un mensaje de la verdad a las personas y quiero esta vez decir lo que viven las personas dia a dia en los barrios no solo de mi pais si no de toda latinoamerica entera, aprovechare la oportunidad para agradecer a @hendrikdegrote por el apoyo que me dio en mi vídeo pasado, un saludo a @verbal-d , fue un honor estar en su lista de menciones honorables, espero estar en alguna lista del jurado esta semana, agradezco a todo el equipo de openmic, a @luzcypher y a @pfunk por este maravilloso concurso, de verdad muchas gracias.

Espero que esta letra pueda llegar a sus corazones, y que le den el tiempo que merece para leerla, saludos nos vemos en un próximo vídeo.

One of the best compositions of my life, this song is loaded with reality, feeling, flow, music and magic.

I really feel that I am fulfilling my expectations little by little and I do not talk about musical expectations, I talk about what I want to bring as a human being to the world through my lyrics and I take advantage of this talent to do it, next week I will have the opportunity to sing again in a very prestigious place in my city and sing this song, because my desire is to bring a message of truth to people and this time I want to say what people live day by day in the neighborhoods not only of my country but of all Latin America as a whole, I will take the opportunity to thank @hendrikdegrote for the support he gave me in my last video, a greeting to @verbal-d, it was an honor to be on his list of honorable mentions, I hope to be on some jury list this week, I thank all the openmic team, @luzcypher and @pfunk for this wonderful contest, really thank you very much.

I hope this letter can reach your hearts, and give you the time you deserve to read it, greetings see you in an upcoming video.




I live in a neighborhood
where the poor to eat has to sweat
I live in a neighborhood where many small for a dream
they often fight
I live in a neighborhood although many by a bad way tend to deviate
I live in a neighborhood do not agitate take care of your steps and look ahead
look ahead see where you step your life may be endangered in the street
Things in the neighborhood aren't easy and if you're new don't step on the corner.
because there are many parents who, with their weapons, look for the sustenance of their family.
for lack of silver is sold the plant that cures the pain that has your soul
the rain of bullets here never scales and if you fall asleep then you fall into the trap
And what else? The cops mark you and your dirty move comes into action there are people who
is bad and healthy people who dream one day to leave this paila that destroys souls
who don't know anything and in the middle of the fire they get bullets.
I live in a neighborhood
where the poor to eat has to sweat
I live in a neighborhood where many small for a dream
they often fight
I live in a neighborhood although many by a bad way tend to deviate
I live in a neighborhood do not agitate take care of your steps and look ahead
ay look ahead do not trust not all are good but corduroy can be a villain
If you don't look back from behind they can betray you the neighborhood is on fire.
the underworld no longer respects anyone it is very sad to see the student who for a vengeance
it destroys the future that would make it important to jump out of that life if today you have a chance tomorrow.
It may be too late and after a false step your life may end eh oh oh oh oh
nothing of law the one that sleeps here leaves him dead since there is never a free time in the state there are neighborhoods
where graffiti abound also abound sicarios earring jack sparrow do not eat the light that this is not Hollywood earring with a charro car if you do not activate the step leave you lying in the mud
i tie myself to the music that keeps me away from any calvary i hear gunshots every day
just for a pair of expensive shoes several have lost their lives looking for the unnecessary so is the neighborhood
That's the neighborhood.
I live in a neighborhood
where the poor to eat has to sweat
I live in a neighborhood where many small for a dream
they often fight
I live in a neighborhood although many by a bad way tend to deviate
I live in a neighborhood do not agitate take care of your steps and look ahead


yo vivo en un barrio
donde el pobre para comer tiene que sudar
yo vivo en un barrio donde muchos menores por un sueño
suelen luchar
yo vivo en un barrio aunque muchos por un mal camino suelen desviarse
yo vivo en un barrio no te agites cuida tus pasos y mira pa lante
mira pa lante ve donde pisas puede que tu vida peligre en la pista
las cosas en el barrio no son sencillas y si eres nuevo no pises la esquina
porque hay muchos padres que con sus bichas buscan el sustento para su familia
a falta de plata se vende la planta que cura el dolor que tiene tu alma
la lluvia de balas aquí nunca escampa y si te adormeces pues caes en la trampa
¿y que mas? los pacos te marcan y entra en acción su sucia jugada hay gente que
es mala y personas sanas que sueñan un día salir de esta paila que destruye almas
que no saben nada y en medio del fuego reciben es balas
yo vivo en un barrio
donde el pobre para comer tiene que sudar
yo vivo en un barrio donde muchos menores por un sueño
suelen luchar
yo vivo en un barrio aunque muchos por un mal camino suelen desviarse
yo vivo en un barrio no te agites cuida tus pasos y mira para adelante
ay mira pa lante no confíes no todos son parce el mas pana puede ser maleante
si no miras pa tras por la espalda pueden traicionarte el barrio esta que arde
ya el hampa no respeta a nadie es muy triste ver al estudiante que por una venganza
destruye el futuro que le haría importante salte de esa vida si hoy tienes chance mañana
puede que sea tarde y tras un paso en falso tu vida puede acabarse eh oh oh oh oh
nada de ley el que aquí se duerma lo dejan pegao ya que nunca hay un break in the state hay barrios
donde abundan grafitis también abundan los sicarios pendiente jack sparrow no te comas la luz que esto no es hollywood pendiente con un carro charro si no activas el paso te dejan tirao en el barro
yo me amarro a la música que me mantiene alejado de cualquier calvario a diario oigo sonar disparos
solo por un par de zapatos caros varios han perdido la vida buscando lo innecesario así es el barrio
así es el barrio
yo vivo en un barrio
donde el pobre para comer tiene que sudar
yo vivo en un barrio donde muchos pequeños por un sueño
suelen luchar
yo vivo en un barrio aunque muchos por un mal camino suelen desviarse
yo vivo en un barrio no te agites cuida tus pasos y mira pa lante

You can follow me on instagram as


Qué buen flow tienes hermanito, se ve que le pones pasión a la cosa, te deseo lo mejor en lo que quieras hacer brother. Muy buen solo por cierto. Saludos para ti.

@fernando.lubezki, muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta lo del solo jaja, no todos lo notaron al final creo xd Seguiré subiendo mas canciones propias de este estilo, espero que puedan seguir gustándote las próximas semanas, saludos hermano!

Hi jaredkhamanah,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

Team @curie, thank you very much for the great support you give to the musicians in steemit, it is an honor to be in your selection of healing this week, continue to strive to give more content of good quality, really is an honor to be taken into account by this great team, greetings! Thank you very much!

You composed this? That is very good of you!

I like the mellow rap and your voice control that really matches well with the beat. But on top of that, I like the message of the song. Other composers would write about their personal feelings or situations. It is very good of your to be composing a song that pertains to the community. We need more songs like this to raise community awareness.

By the way, who's that playing on the background?

Good luck on the contest!

Hello hello, if I have written this song and made all the arrangements, the one that touches the musical background of all the guitars is me, I take a whole day to be able to record this song because I recorded only in my room, and really thank you very much for taking the time to read the lyrics of my song, I decided this past week to upload all my own songs to steemit and facebook, You can follow me on facebook as "jared khamanah" Thank you for your good wishes, I hope to continue contributing more to humanity with my lyrics, this week I will have the opportunity to sing some of my songs in an event that will make in my city and I am eager to get this message through my song to all viewers! Greetings @macoolette, thank you very much for your comment <3

Aside from social media, do you have other channels to spread your songs around like recording studio to support your "launch" or something? Or maybe you perform in local gatherings to showcase your talent?

And by the way, I heard several stories that some talents are discovered through Youtube so maybe you also want to put your songs there.

Jared, you are wonderful, your song sounds wonderful I like the melodic beginning with such a soft voice full of emotions and I like the fast part, sounds like rapping. The combination of both part creates that extraordinary music. Thank you for translating the text, appreciate you for sharing the story about you, your everyday life and life in your country.

Thank you very much for your beautiful words @stef1 , the truth is a privilege. How detailed of you to notice all the things that make up my song, I can notice that you value every thing I did and every arrangement, in a very meticulous way, I hope to continue surprising more and more with my musical fusions, I have been exploring more things to give something super good next week too, greetings!

You have such a different voice while rapping and singing :) I wouldn't say it's the same person. I like your rhythm while rapping. Very cool! It's a chilling song. I need my tropical cocktail now! :)

Great song, great voice, great instruments. Well done Jared!

I also appreciate that you translated the lyrics to English. I know it's not always easy to translate lyrics as they are the best in the original language.

Thank you for sharing and keep making great music!

@delishtreats , thank you for reading the lyrics! I will continue sharing more songs like that, fusions using the musical elements I know to convey reality, rap will always be present in my songs and rhythms with different styles added, greetings see you in another video <3 thank you very much for your comment and time!

Free bobby shmurda

Excelente interpretación amigo.. Tu letra sí que tiene poder, Además de rapear, las partes donde no lo haces y cantas tonos más suaves lo hiciste muy bien, Sé que te irá excelente en tu presentación la semana que viene!! Y tu mensaje llegará a muchos personas, aquí en Venezuela necesitamos mucho de eso específicamente los jóvenes y me alegra que sea mediante la música.. Felicidades por tu voto curie está más que merecido, un gran abrazo @jaredkhamanah !!

Gracias por valorar cada detalle @naideth, de verdad espero que asi sea, que me vaya super bien la semana que viene tambien y que los msj que estoy redactando en mis canciones puedan llegar a mas venezolanos de verdad estoy luchando por eso consiguiendo toques, esta semana cantare en lecheria en uno de los restaurantes mas importantes de la zona de aqui, me pasare por tu blog tambien, puedes visitar la pagina que cree en facebook para que me ayudes a difundir mis canciones y llegar a mas personas si lo deseas <3 el link → Saludos chica <3

Buenísima brother. Me la vacile burda :D

@edwardstobia, muchas gracias man! que bueno que pudiste tripearte mi arte, saludos hermano!

Yo bro @jaredkhamanah,

This was straight fire. I am still listening to this song on repeat. Keep flowing bro. Maybe we collab and do a Spanish and English Hip Hop track in the future. First I have to finish the collaborations I have already started though haha

I have included you in my Official Judge's Top List For Open Mic Week 106

Please read the full review here.

@verbal-d Thanks bro, I'm already reviewing your post on this week's selection!

You're very welcome bro

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