Steemit Open Mic Week 78 - Yo no quise enamorarme (Original Song) by @honeymoon-1611

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)
Your voice is as angelic and naturally beautiful as the scenery you have chosen for your background visuals. You rise to the occasion and sing always from the heart, making every entry highly satisfying. I found the lyrics quite poetic and although I may not agree with everything being said, the positive vibes and feel good frequencies are undeniable. Musically, you easily make every cover song your own and that shows your potential ability to make a great original song one day, and it will be a wonderful thing to witness when you share it with us all. There is not much more to say about this pleasant sounding gem, you continue to show you are a bonafide and talented singer/musician. Thanks for another consistent entry looking forward to your next one. - @verbal-d

Buenos días chicos, estoy casi que lloro con el hecho de estar en el top 5 de @verbal-d y más por las palabras que me llegaron al corazón. Cosa curiosa es que él habla de canción original, y para su sorpresa y la mía también, esta nueva entrada es mi primera canción original, la cual por fin puedo compartir con ustedes.

Good morning guys, I'm almost crying with the fact that I'm in the top 5 of @verbal-d and more for the words that came to my heart. Curious thing is that he talks about the original song, and to his surprise and mine too, this new entry is my first original song, which I can finally share with you.

Yo no quise enamorarme

Señor disculpe usted

Yo no quise enamorarme

Le juro, lo intente

De verdad, quise olvidarte

Señor disculpe usted

Yo no quise enamorarme

Soy muy joven y lo se

Pero eso, no me impide amarle

Yo no quise enamorarme

Yo no quise enamorarme

Soy muy joven, para ti

Y eso lo dices tú

Porque tienes, miedo de amarme

Señor hazme un favor 

Yo no quise enamorarme

Háblale a mi corazón

Que no sé cómo explicarle

Señor hazme un favor

Yo no quise enamorarme

Como calmo este temblor

Que siento, solo al mirarte

Yo no quise enamorarme

Yo no quise enamorarme

Soy muy joven, para ti

Y eso lo dices tú

Porque tienes, miedo de amarme

Escrito por : Ramón León / written by Ramón León

(thank you very much teacher, this letter is beautiful, I could feel the essence of the message you wanted to convey and I gave musicality to your work, an honor for me that has made this lyric for me.)

If you want to participate in this contest, you can follow the guidelines in the following link:

 Thanks to everyone for your support, especially to you two @pfunk & @luzcypher, thank you for promoting our talent, for me it is an honor to share what I love most with you.


You gave me chill bumps all over my arms listening to you sing this song. How's it feel to write your first original song? Bravo!


Sorry for the delay, but it's never too late. Thank you very much, your always so attentive, your words always excite me and rejoice.

Estoy orgulloso de ti, esta canción para ser tu primera me ha dejado anonadado por completo, muchos exitos para ti.

Wow~ muchísimas gracias @roadstories
Estoy sin palabras. Saludos❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Such a lovely performance and composition, I loved it!

It's a pleasure. Thank so so so much @passion-ground :33

Maravillosa voz, que bonito cantas, muy buena la canción , el equipo Cervantes apoyando el contenido original.

Wow~ Estoy sin palabras, muchas gracias por tanto apoyo, enserio😘😘😘😘😘

Really nice original song @honeymoon-1611

I have added you to my Judge's Top list of Week 78
Please click here to read the full review

I can not explain with words the joy and emotion that I have, and I feel that I will be repetitive with you, but thanks for your advice in my beginnings about this competition. I really am very grateful that talented people like you look at my performances, I have to choose one of these days to amaze them with a song just for you. A million thanks.

That is wonderful to hear, and I am glad to give back to you and the many artists with the reviews I write to show my appreciation for the music and hard work. You are most welcome, we are glad you are a part of our Open Mic community.

This is an honor, this is like to celebrate with some beers, but I just remembered that I'm not old for that, so, just congratulations to me, and thanks to you.

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