Steemit Open Mic Week 55 - "I Quit My Job For Steemit" - Music Video

in #openmic7 years ago

Exclusive Steemit Release.
Too Steamy For Facebook.
27 Seconds Of Pure Steem Joy!

Yes! I really quit my job for Steemit. More on that story later.
Hit Play. Enjoy!

"I Quit My Job For Steemit"

Click The Button! Lets Be Friends!

Cheers My Steem Friends!
Much Love, Happy Money Man.


Song and Dance Credit: I didn't shoot the dance video.
Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man Choreography by Brian Friedman Filmed on location at Millennium OC, 2017
Shelby Patterson, Aaliyah Zolina, Autumn Miller, Tori Caro, Lo Matsuno, Daviana Fletcher Mallory Jul in this vid.



So you JUST quit ur job like in the last couple days? Steemit is indeed a revolution and it is wise to be on the front lines.

So you went to see @ned in San Fran? Did that have anything to do with job quitting?

I have been SO OVER BUSY and I come to check in on you and WHAT!?!?!?! so much going on!

Great and exciting. Now I have to look around ur profile and catch up!


Yes, we both quit our jobs! It's actually been a couple month process. I've now cultivated a completely sovereign lifestyle. It's part of the reason @lifemovedbysteem has worked so hard in the garden.
Sustainability is the key to freedom.

We eat from the garden and supplement with small incomes. Then we live minimally and beautifully.

I feel like I should be telling more of this story on Steemit. That will come.

The hardest part has been the pushback from society. Most friends and family don't understand. People think I've lost it. It's worth it though.

I know I've discovered how to live. Life is beautiful my friend.

PS, the Ned meeting had little to do with my final exit. It was already in the works. Meeting Ned did make me fully confident and inspired with my decision. It feels good to leap!

If you ever need support or an unwavering example I am here for you. I have been self employed for 15 years so you have a "Master" at your service.

Yes society will have difficulty, hopefully you will be able to let them go as they have only been holding you back since forever anyways.

As for sovereignty I am quite sure you either do not comprehend the meaning and or are not using it appropriately because as much as I love you you are NOT sovereign yet.

Much respect though for your decision. SUSTAINABILITY IS INDEED KEY!

Living SIMPLY is key and when your HAPPY living simply is EASY!


ahhh. You are sharp. I'm not a sovereign man. I'm far from it.
I throw that word around a little willy nilly. It's an ultimate goal in my head, but it is a process that will take me a while.

As I understand the meaning, I'm looking to be free of any restrictions or impositions of society. Completely independent?

But, a 2nd part is that "official sovereignty" takes recognition from the opposing power that I am to be left alone. I don't know if my sovereignty would ever be recognized. I think the best case scenario is I just fly under the radar so they don't know, or care, I exist.

What's your take? Thoughts.

I have sharpened a keens sense of observation. I have learned a lot and continue to do so with it.

You ask a great question and it is a big topic, we could discuss many facets of it to great length...

Yes "true sovereignty" is almost impossible but it is possible to be very self reliant and also have proper "defenses" or "strategies" in play to uphold that self reliance and freedom. Thats where I am at. Taking care of my self and also enforcing my freedoms.

Ultimately as long as you are living a conscious and responsible life of continuous evolution/progress/adaptation then your life will continue to get better and you will become more and more free and self reliant!


That was great, man!... but you left me wanting more... Brilliant - whether or not that was the desired effect!

Haha absolutely. It took me all day to figure out editing. If I did a full video it would have taken me a month. It was short by necessity. Next time I can do a little more.

Hahah great video!! Congratulations on quitting your job!!!..... Something I never thought I'd say to someone! Lol

Quitting your job is the coolest feeling in the world if you have other sources of income.

JOB = Just Over Broke

Exactly. We've worked to cut expenses and used small income streams to find freedom. It's the best feeling in the world to pursue something important. I'm really grateful.

Awesome video! The green screen is too much fun!

Is yours a white canvas or an actual greenscreen?

Haha, yea I'm gettin silly over here with the green screen.
Yes, it's an actual greenscreen. I ordered it on amazon and hung it from a rafter in my garage.
Then I got a white filter lighting setup to go along. 5 lights.

It's been a cool experiment. I'm figuring out what works. Just trying to keep taking the editing to the next level. Most of this is practice.

No riskit? No biscuit.

Hahha, so funny. No riskit... Gimmee MY BISCUIT!

M.O.N.E.Y= My Own Natural Energy Yield!
Simple and inspiring, indeed! Great post! 👍💯👍💯

Awesome. That's my type of money. Let's go get that natural energy! Thanks for the cool acronym.

Woow, you are The Voice of Steemit!
Good luck, I think you're a Freedom Coach!:)

Haha. Fun name. The voice of steemit. I wouldn't go that far.
I have been working to cut costs and live simply so I could get out of the rat race. It's scary, but that makes me think Im doing the right thing.

"vous avez quitte vos travail pour Steemit waww......c'est très bien" J'espère qu'un jour être comme toi de @bakabou159704

@happymoneyman! That's an early awesome initiative you took, especially when you don't have to think twice on the kind of decision you're making, it really looks like you did the right thing, 'happy man', hope to take the kind of step you took someday, thanks for sharing this

Thank you. It is pretty scary, but I feel free. It makes me feel like I'm doing something big when I'm following my dream. Thanks for your support.

You should add a cringe warning :)). Good job on putting yourself out there, and as always I'm eager for the full story. Cheers!

Haha, two cringes in one week. I'm going for it. Ahhh.

I keep meaning to post a story about where I've been and going, but it takes time. I'm so busy with daily content, the bigger projects move slow.


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