Steemit Open Mic Week 84 - Ahora que te vas - Christian Daniel (cover)

in #openmic6 years ago

Hello to all my friends from steemit, here I leave my post for week 80, I hope you like it is a very special and meaningful topic for me.

Ahora que te vas

Hoy me despierto con el alma hecha pedazos Hoy me despido sin querer decir adiós Vete despacio para no sentir tus pasos Vete en silencio para no escuchar tu voz

No te niego que siento miedo

Enfrentarme a la vida sin ti

Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No se ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir

Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti
¿Cómo olvidarme de ti?

No duermo solo, me acompaña tu retrato
Y en las mañanas suelo reclamar le a dios
Que ya no insista en arrancarte de mis brazos
Ya no podría soportar tanto dolor

No te niego que siento miedo
Enfrentarme a la vida sin ti

Y ahora que te vas
Llévate mi vida entera
No se ni a donde irás
Pero entiendo que tendrás que partir

Y ahora que te vas
Recuerda que el amor espera
Y aunque no vuelvas más
Prometo no olvidarme de ti.

Now that you're leaving

Today I wake up with my soul shattered
Today I say goodbye without wanting to say goodbye
Go slowly so you do not feel your steps
Go quietly so as not to hear your voice

I do not deny you that I feel fear
Face life without you

And now that you're leaving
Take my whole life
I do not know where you'll go
But I understand that you will have to leave

And now that you're leaving
Remember that love waits
And even if you do not come back anymore
I promise not to forget you
How can I forget about you?

I do not sleep alone, your portrait accompanies me
And in the mornings I usually claim to God
That I no longer insist on tearing you from my arms
I could not stand so much pain anymore

I do not deny you that I feel fear
Face life without you

And now that you're leaving
Take my whole life
I do not know where you'll go
But I understand that you will have to leave

And now that you're leaving
Remember that love waits
And even if you do not come back anymore
I promise not to forget you.

Many thank!!

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