Steemit Open Mic Week 72 - Full Remix Variado - Jesse y Joy, Corina Smith, Karol G y Luis fonsi (cover by @gloriana071)

in #openmic7 years ago

Hello everyone, here I leave my entry for the week 72 I hope you like it in the company of @darvingrana25911

Full Remix Variado


Desde pequeñita me enseño mama
Hay quien te vende gato por liebre
Hija no te dejes engañar, cuida tu corazón
Te dije cuando yo te conocí
Ojo por ojo, al hombre que miente
Me dijiste yo no soy así
Yo te creí amor
y hace tiempo siento
Que hay algo raro aquí esta pasando
y este pensamiento
Ya no me deja dormir en paz
Son las 3 de la mañana
y no has llegado
Se que estas con alguien
y lo esta negando


Si tengo un moño en el pelo Mis Jeans tienen huecos Y me veo Cool así (No es para ti)
Si hago ejercicios Mostrando el ombligo Con sudor sobre mi (No es para ti)
Si esta noche es de amigas Pijamas y pizzas es para mi (No es para ti)
O si paso una hora Escogiendo mi ropa, no es para ti
Dices que tenemos estar juntos Porque juntos somos uno Que contigo estoy mejor
Que nunca nadie va a quererme como tú (Ja) Gracias pero no
Ya estoy completa No me faltan piezas no...
No tengo un vacío que llenar Si yo misma soy mi otra mitad
Estoy completa


Ella jugó a darte lo que más querías
Yo jugué a creerte que nunca lo harías
Ella con un beso, yo con mil razones
Para estar confiando en tus explicaciones
Ella te dio algo, mientras tú te arriesgabas
Yo te lo di todo, tú no quisiste nada
Ella es un segundo y yo era para siempre
Algo pasajero, te condenó a perderme
Esta se la hice a ella, ella
que se cree que por bella, ella
Puede robarme todo lo que nunca tuvo ella
Se la hice a ella, ella,
por aunque sea tan bella, ella
Cada que te acaricie, tu piel ya tendrá mis huellas
Hoy quiero decirle a ella
Que si fue así conmigo
También lo será con ella


Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)

Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
Hasta que las olas griten "¡ay, bendito!"
Para que mi sello se quede contigo
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

Full Remix Varied


Since I was little she showed me breast
Someone sells you cat for hare
Daughter, do not be fooled, take care of your heart
I told you when I met you
An eye for an eye, the man who lies
You told me I'm not like that
I believed you love
and I have been feeling for some time
That there is something weird here is happening
and this thought
It does not let me sleep in peace anymore
It's 3 in the morning
and you have not arrived
I know you are with someone
and he is denying it


If I have a bun in my hair My jeans have holes And I look Cool like that (It's not for you)
If I do exercises Showing the navel With sweat on me (Not for you)
If tonight is for friends Pajamas and pizzas is for me (Not for you)
Or if I spend an hour Choosing my clothes, it's not for you
You say we have to be together Because together we are one That with you I'm better
That nobody is ever going to love me like you (Ja) Thanks but no
I'm already complete I'm not missing pieces not ...
I do not have a vacuum to fill If I myself am my other half
I am complete


She played to give you what you most wanted
I played to believe you would never do it
She with a kiss, I with a thousand reasons
To be trusting in your explanations
She gave you something, while you risked
I gave you everything, you did not want anything
She is a second and I was forever
Something fleeting, he condemned you to lose me
I made it to her, she
that is believed that by beautiful, she
She can steal everything that she never had
I made it to her, her,
Even though she is so beautiful, she
Every time you caress yourself, your skin will already have my fingerprints
Today I want to tell her
What if it was like that with me
It will also be with her


I want to undress you with kisses slowly
I sign on the walls of your labyrinth
And make your body a whole manuscript (upload, upload, upload)
(Go up up)

I want to see your hair dance
I want to be your rhythm
That you teach my mouth
Your favorite places (favorites, baby favorites)
Let me surpass your danger zones
To provoke your screams
And forget your last name

We are going to do it on a beach in Puerto Rico
Until the waves scream "oh, blessed!"
So that my seal stays with you
Step by step, soft soft
We are going to stick a little bit
That you teach my mouth
Your favorite places
Step by step, soft soft
We are going to stick a little bit
To provoke your screams
And forget your last name

many thank!!

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