Steemit Open Mic Week 56 - I Do | Original song

in #openmic7 years ago

I wrote this song on Monday. I really wanted to share it earlier, but somehow I started to feel really ill, and felt massive pain in my throat and lost my voice. Ironically enough, I also kind of stopped believing in this song and I started to believe in me failing all the time, and not really going anywhere in life.

But. I am coming back. I don't believe in their truth. I believe in what's helpful.
Also, the voice is not really fully back, so I had to invent/find this other way of singing the more powerful parts, that does not hurt me, and actually I like it a lot.

Even now, as I am trying to post it, it says - internal error. Yes, we know. Thanks. Should I call this song internal error, instead, is that what you are trying to say steemit ?


I don't,
feel like I used to.
I don't,
laugh like I used to.
I don't,
believe in their truth.
I do,
believe in what's helpful.

If it's magic, if it's god, if it's rebirth after all.
If it's being powerful, strong enough and capable.
Happy endings happening, whole wide world is listening.

I don't,
feel like I used to.
I don't,
live like I used to.
I choose,
my thoughts and feelings, too.
I take,
responsibility for what I do.

If it's being powerful, strong enough and capable.
Happy endings happening, whole wide world is listening.
If it's magic, if it's god, if it's rebirth after all.

I do,
Believe in you.


PS on unrelated note, the lovely pictures on my wall are from beautiful Mateo from Zozoville:
check him out he is great!


Sounds really good. Deep lyrics.


thank you @luczypher, this really made my morning :)

Nice song. Internal Error is a cracking title for a song! Your style reminds me a little of Tanita Tikaram. Hope you're well soon :)

Even now, as I am trying to post it, it says - internal error. Yes, we know. Thanks. Should I call this song internal error, instead, is that what you are trying to say steemit ?

That got me cracking.
You have a beautiful voice! Please keep steeming your work so more of us can listen to them. Thanks for sharing.

thanks @firepower
yes, I do have quite funny internal monologue in my head, happy to hear someone appreciated it :)
I have a lot of fun in there :)

I bet you do. Keep on sharing. :)

You look and sound quite lovely perched upon the sofa in your new flat – and with some rather interesting artwork as well! All I ever seem to see is you “succeeding” – that’s what’s readily apparent to me anyway – and I suspect, despite moments of natural hesitation, it ought to always be readily apparent to you as well. As I’m certain that deep down you do too, I most certainly believe in you… Lovely song and performance! Feel better soon @chaifm… :-)

thanks :)

You have a beautiful voice and you play well. thesteemer congratulates you and wishes you much luck!

thanks a lot :)

Nice song

thanks :)

I was wondering when I was going to get to hear your entry this week, a day late but I'm here... great as always @chaifm

thank you, you too! :)

Beautiful song, woman, words, pictures. Thank you!

''If it's being powerful, strong enough and capable.
Happy endings happening, whole wide world is listening.
If it's magic, if it's god, if it's rebirth after all.'' <3 whoa

oh an I love your music, too.
Big hugs to Venezuela.

Love the setting ...

I do believe in you sister :). More power to you and I hope you are well now.


Keep singing.

thank you brother :)

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