Steemit Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 7 - "Gusto y disgusto"

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

What's up guys!

En esta 7ma semana del Open Mic Songwriters challenge les comparto una canción que escribí junto a mi amigo Jesus Eduardo. Disculpen por demorar tanto para subir nuestra entrada de esta semana. Esperamos que les guste!

In this 7th week of the Open Mic Songwriters challenge I share a song that I wrote with my friend Jesus Eduardo. Sorry for delaying to upload our entry for this week. We hope you like!


Letra de la canción:

Estoy cansado de esperar
esta hora correcta
que no va a llegar en que
tu me mires y me digas que volverás.

Que siempre me has amado
a escondidas y que al final
de los días tu siempre
me recordarás.


Nunca podré olvidar
esa energía que causa estática
en nuestras vidas.


Si el sufrimiento fuera un gusto
y el gusto fuese un disgusto
apuesto que estarías a gusto.
Esas son las leyes de tu cabeza
y nadie las puede cambiar
ni que te cambien de este sistema solar.

Estrofa II

A ti te gustan esos tipos
con caras largas caras de aburrido,
debe ser por eso que no te atraigo.
Yo he quería que tu fueras mia,
pero tu en mi nunca te fijarías
por razones claras y sencillas.

Todavia no entiendo nada
porque las cosas se van de una patada,
porque la gente elige lo contrario.


Nunca podré olvidar
esa energía que causa estática
en nuestras vidas.


Si el sufrimiento fuera un gusto
y el gusto fuese un disgusto
apuesto que estarías a gusto.
Esas son las leyes de tu cabeza
y nadie las puede cambiar
ni que te cambien de este sistema solar.

English Translation

I'm tired of waiting
this right time
that will not come in that
you look at me and tell me you will
come back.

That you have always loved me secretly
and that in the end
of the days you always
you will remember me.

I can never forget
that energy that causes static
in our lives.

If suffering were a pleasure
and the taste was a dislike
I bet you'd be comfortable.
Those are the laws of your head
and nobody can change them
or that they change you from
this solar system.

Stanza #2

You like those guys
with long faces boring faces,
It must be why I do not attract you.
I wanted you to be mine,
but you in me you would never notice
for clear and simple reasons.


I still do not understand anything
because things go away with a kick,
‘cause people choose the opposite.

I can never forget
that energy that causes static
in our lives.

If suffering were a pleasure
and the taste was a dislike
I bet you'd be comfortable.
Those are the laws of your head
and nobody can change them
or that they change you from
this solar system.

Gracias @memo por crear éste concurso y @luzcypher por ser el anfitrion!

Thank you @memo for creating this contest and @luzcypher for being the host!


Vocals seem to have gone off-key here and there - but this is a very good song and entry, gentlemen! Thank you.

Thank you!! We appreciate a lot your words!

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