OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 1 - '7 years bad luck'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #openmic7 years ago

Ok, lets go for this competition. Its totally awesome, even if it HAS taken up all the spare time that Im SUPPOSED to be putting in to editing my documentary!!! @meno and @luzcypher have put this crazy awesome project together to encourage more original songwriting and theres a GUITAR as a prize (courtesy of @meno) SO GET INVOLVED!!!!

heres my entry (this weeks theme was 'BROKEN MIRROR') apologies in advance for the hissy sound in the background and the fact that I Really struggled to get this song fluent....especially with its stupid key changes.....


Whoops I dropped that priceless mirror
Its fallen on the ground
Its 3:00 in the morning
And that was really loud
I hope that no-ones woken up
Because that would really suck
But when you break a mirror
MAN its 7 years bad luck

It smashed across the hallway
Its broken beyond beyond REPAIR (yeah I know, I said 'compare', I got it wrong....)
Im such a clumsy idiot
This isn't bloody fair
I hear footsteps coming
I think the game is up
When you smash a mirror
MAN its 7 years bad luck

I have heard tell that this thing was worth 100 grand
it as going so well until the bloody thing slipped out of my hand
To come here and steal it and sell it was my cunning plan
And now caught red-handed Im stranded like fish on the sand

Well he came around the corner
'Who's there' I think he said
I was busy grabbing a shard of broken glass
So I could jam it in his leg
But he hit me with a baseball bat
I didn't think to duck
When you break a mirror
MAN its 7 years bad luck

Theres no mirror in my prison cell
But theres plenty of reflection
On how different decisions might have changed my lifes direction
I wouldn't have been sentenced to 7 years bad luck
But Id have sold that God damned mirror for 100,000 bucks

I could've been free
But instead Im stuck
When you break a mirror
MAN Its 7 years bad luck
When you break a mirror
MAN its 7 years bad luck

Thanks for listening everybody!
But Im going to be honest.... it was NOT easy to quickly bang out a song in so little time....
It might be difficult to maintain any consistency in this competition....

So much Love you crazy steemfreeks
Be good to each other :)
x Basil


Hehehe, good one, I love the style, some kind of Rocky-Horror Musical madness!

yes! oh my god, that movie is insane.... wouldn't it be fun to write a musical on Steemit!?

With the amount of talent on here, that would actually be a great idea! Let the writers come up with the storyline and the musicians provide the songs, the artists do the scenery, the crafty people make the costumes and we stage the whole thing at the next steemfest!!! Let's get it on! Lol

haha! wow. Thats a great idea!

It strikes me that this would be a great number for a musical. Cheeky, clever and catchy. Good job dude.

thanks man! That would be so would be great to do a musical! Wow, maybe we could make that happen through steemit! :D

amazing as always Basil! loved every second of your derangement

thanks Meno, and major high-fives for putting this competition together :) I still havn't seen anyone elses entries but Im super excited to see what this kind of song-writing pressure produces!

wow love this sir, believe me I played it not just once you made me read the lyrics while listening and even copying your facial expression.. this is really entertaining.. hehehe you nailed it sir!

Yay! Replayability! Thats EXCELLENT news! Im really glad you enjoyed it so much :) The facial expressions are a VITAL part of the smoke and mirrors that conceal my clunky piano playing and my dodgy singing voice, so once you've got those down, you've basically cracked the song itself! haha

lol! try try try try and try again... I know what you mean man!
Fun interpretation, made me laugh a lot! Some parts had a surprising "pink floidy" influence (The Wall).

hell yeah! now THAT is a comparison I can really vibe with! I think you've made my day now...

Way to power through man! For some reason I immediately envisioned seeing this done on stage in some sort of light opera,,,with you playing all of the characters of course ! peace that WOULD be a challenge!!!

Wow! Very nice ! It has a Queen vibe , along with some old school harmonies , and a very cool interpretation! It was very entertaining. I loved it. Cheers!

thankyou WOW! Thats my 2nd Queen comparison to go along with my 2 Jason Segal comparisons soIm starting to build a picture of exactly what sort of a mash up I seem to have created! haha. Epic

i also saw some Queen in there FYI :)

So theatrical!! "bloody brilliant" !!! as you would say.

So cool! your music reminds me of this guy... Jason Segel, do you know who that is? he is a comedian/musician/actor who plays "Marshall" on How i Met Your Mother. and oposite to Milla Kunis on "Forgetting Sarah Marshal"

do you know thats the second time someones mentioned that film in relation to this song?!.... Im going to HAVE to watch it....I don't know the guy, but it seems like perhaps Iv been possessed by him!!! haha

haha really? You know why that is... is the theatrical style of the song... also... your way of performing it... so like his character on the movie. A little goofy at times.. and also so expresive and energetic! YOU DO HAVE to watch it.. not only because it is a good movie.. (if you are into romantic comedies, that is) but also because you will be able to see it for yourself!

Jason Segel does that for his character on the movie, but he is also that type of musician anyways.. i have seen him do that other times. He is really good . And very unique... i love him as a comedic actor.. but i can tell by the very few performances i have seen by him, that he is a really good musician too!

Thuis just one of the scenes from that movie... check it out

haha! nice. I totally see what youre saying. I'll definitely check the movie out!

I did NOT see where this was going :) This is absolutely brilliant @basilmarples!! I hope you win 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻

trust me, I didn't have much idea of my trajectory either! Especially when I shoehorned that bridge in.... jeezus that was an uphill hike

I can imagine it is not easy to write something so fast. Good job. You have a very expressive face. Funny. Thank you.

thankyou friend! It was NOT easy, haha! I appreciate your support x

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