STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 86 - WE WORTH IT (ORIGINAL SONG) #openmic by @luzcypher & @pfunk

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Hi again dear steemians!

We meet one more time. This week I bring you an original son, accompanied by the talented @carlosvidal on guitar, and my father on percussion.

This theme was my first song in English, and I must admit, I was inspired by a love movie called "Me before you".
There was a dance scene between the protagonists, in which I imagined, there would be another song. Something more like a Disney princess movie dance. At the end of the movie, I took the guitar, and it just came out. It was something light, something cool, it was magic to compose it. I enjoy it very much, so I wanted to share it with you, hoping you enjoy it, and make you feel the emotion.

Someday I hope to play this song with an orchestra behind, many strings and the many other details that are typical of this type of composition!

I have always loved to compose on guitar and piano, and capture what worries me at the moment, my passion, what makes me feel love, or simply the message I want to give to others with my art.

As always, thanks to @pfunk y @luzcypher for another week on #openmic. @passion-ground @soundlegion @krystle @Verbal-d @meno

No more for now, good vibes to everyone and happy week!

¡Hola denuevo querida gente de Steemit!

Nos encontramos una vez más. Esta semana les traigo un tema propio, acompañada por el talentoso @carlosvidal en la guitarra, y mi padre en la percusión.

Este tema fue mi primer tema en inglés, y debo admitir, me inspiró una película de amor llamada "Yo antes de ti".
Había una escena de baile entre los protagonistas, en la que yo imaginaba, hubiera otra canción. Algo mas al estilo de los vals de las películas de Disney. Al finalizar la película, agarré la guitarra, y simplemente, salió. Fue algo liviano, algo fresco, fue magia componerla. Yo la disfruto muchísimo, y aunque admito tener algo de pena al respecto, quería compartirla con ustedes, esperando la disfruten, y transmitirles esa magia de los bailes de las películas que tanto me encanta.

Algún día espero tocarla con una orquesta detrás, muchas cuerdas y los otros muchos detalles que son propios de este tipo de composición!

Siempre me ha encantado componer en guitarra y piano, y plasmar lo que en el momento me preocupa, me apasiona, me enamora, o simplemente el mensaje que quiero entregarles a los demás con mi arte.

Como siempre, agradezco a @pfunk y @luzcypher por realizar y desarrollar esta gran iniciativa del #openmic. @passion-ground @soundlegion @krystle @Verbal-d @meno

Sin más por ahora, buenas vibras para todos y feliz semana!

This is the beautifull movie scene that i told you before.
Esta es la escena de la que les hablaba chicos.


Now, if you'd like to read the lyric, here it is.
Ahora, si quieren leer la letra, acá está.


Is not easy to me to say i love you
is not easy to start all over again
but everytime that we are togheter
i wish that you could stay

You fixed this broken heart and
made me fly again
the faith came to my body
and made me believe

I'll give you a chance to try
I'll give me a chance to love
I wont let the fears bring me down
cos' i know inside, i know inside
We worth it

Your hands fit perfect in mine
and everytime we kiss i can touch the sky
from the way you smile to the way you drive
i think i could love you all my life

You got me in your arms now
promiss me this wont change
let's live in neverland and
always be you and i

I'll give you a chance to try
I'll give me a chance to love
I wont let the fears bring me down
cos' i know inside, i know inside

I can't let you go cos now
You're the moon of my life
You're the sun and my stars
And i just want you to know
That in my heart and in my mind and in my soul

We worth it

I believe in you, i bealieve in us
We worth it.


Excelente, felicidades.. #teamcumana activo

Muchas gracias, compañera!!! #teamcumana


muchas gracias <3

¡Excelente! felicidades, una magnífica interpretación!

Mil gracias, qué bueno te haya gustado!

Excelente lml

Me encantó! Felicidades, muy buen tema

Mil gracias, excelente que te haya gustado <3

guaoo muy muy bueno.. saldos, #teamcumana

Gracias, linda! Saludos!!

Ameizing bravoo

THANKS A LOT, cariño!!! jajaja

Bravo, brava!!!!

Gracias, igual que tú <3

I love how you always have collaborations! Gives the #openmic more depth for sure.

Well done to all of you!

Thanks so much!!! Greetings friend!!!

You're very welcome! Also just to let you know, we featured this song in our Sunday Collections!

Happy Monday ~

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