RUNCOIN - A Token To Reward Your Running Activities, Is Live On Openledger

in #openledger7 years ago

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In about 24 hours I'm starting the first important race of the season (for me): Mizuno Endure24 Bramham. It's a 24 hours race in a park around Leeds, during which we're going to circle around in 8km laps. It's not the first time I run such a race, I did 24 and 48 hours before, but each race is different and, to be honest, before each of them I get a decent amount of butterflies in my stomach.

So, this morning, before starting to pack (I'm leaving London for Leeds in the afternoon) I engaged in some stress reducing activities (others than staring at the walls or at the windows, that is) and issued a new token, called RUNCOIN. The idea emerged on Steemit, a few weeks ago, when some of my running followers suggested that a coin for runners will be an interesting idea. Think reward points, but tradeable.

Since @ned mentioned a month ago the possibility to have assets issued on the Steemit blockchain soon (by assets he meant tokens, primarily) and that possibility will be very much similar to what OpenLedger does now, I decided to issue this coin on OpenLedger too. For those of you unaware, OpenLedger is also built on the Graphene blockchain, the same technology that powers Steemit and, more recently, PeerPlays.

Now, it's not the first time I issue a token and it's not even something extremely difficult or complicated. On the contrary, the technology became really simple and the process is less brain intensive than a jigsaw puzzle. The goal was to make sure I'm familiarizing myself with the whole idea of managing my own token, in preparation for the Steemit asset tokens feature (which, I have a hunch, will be correlated with the communities feature).

So, without further ado, here's the basic info:


Maximum supply: 8,888,888 (8 is a lucky number in Asian numerology)

Precision: 8 digits (I told you, lucky)

Initial price: 0.25 BTS (just trying to get it to $1)

Available supply: 88 (merely to provide some initial liquiditiy)

I already did a bit of market making, just to make sure the orders are placed correctly, etc, here's where you can trade it:

Runcoin market

You can buy RUNCOIN with any token that is tradeable on the bitshares platform (Bitshares, Steem, SBD, etc).

Now, what I should do with it? For now I'm just announcing that it exists, but in the (very) near future I will start distributing it to people who can prove they are running. For instance, if you can prove you ran 10 km today, you will get 1 RUNCOIN.

If there's enough traction, I will obviously make an app in which the process will be automated (APIs from Strava and other apps, directly integrated with the coin supply).

Now it's time to pack. I will try to write a more updates but I have no idea about internet access at the location.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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I would like to invest as I happen to like games. It will be a challenge for me to trade but what the hack I'm up for learning. I aim to run to some challenges mainly mountains. Looking curious 😎🏆

Nice idea, but.....
-Runners earn money by proving that they ran a certain distance, where does the value delivered to this person come from? Inflation, sponsoring, ect.?
-Someone could go by bicycle or motorbike (drive slow of course) and cheat the system this way. Do you know a way how to test this?

  1. Values comes from a combination of: inflation, sponsoring and agreement (at the end of the day, money is just a form of agreement)
  2. Yes, I'm very much aware of that, so in the beginning I will probably go for restrictive cases, like running events (where the proof of running is given b third party, the organizer)
  1. I wish you a smooth 24 hours run. Good luck!
  2. Great idea for RUNCOIN. I am in.
  3. #runeveryday :)

Ps: fully upvoted and resteemed, of course :)

An internal asset to promote healthy life. Not Bad ! If i buy some will count that i already made some sport ? :D

Aaand another thing. I used to play some gps based games on my phone. You can trick your location. Stay in one place and move your location random. Can this be fixed somehow?

Good luck in your race :)

I think this can be implemented in running apps that will gives you cryptocurrency when you run.

Yes, that's one way to do it.

I remember i think it was called Mango coin that measured movement for mining. Not sure if it can be gamed or not but any chance of something similar that measured run activity for coins?

I don't know yet, will think bout it. So far, RUNCOIN is just for niche cases, casual runners. Maybe it can be extended, I don't know.

ok thanks, good name and surprised no one else has it or used it before as far as i know.

Love the idea! Keep me updated because I run and this would be something I am interested in.

I also remember something similar.. hmm.. nice idea and best of luck for the project!

Very good idea!!! I support you at least as an incentive for runners.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 57296.76
ETH 3055.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.32